


[ Introduction ].[ Section 1 ].[ Section 2 ].[ Section 3 ].[ Appendix ]





     The 404 answers in this Catholic family

Catechism contain 7,200 words. This is an

average of less than 18 words per answer.

      By comparison, the old Green Catechism

Contained 8,200 words over 386 answers, an

average of 21 ½ words per answer.

      Moreover, 252 answers in the Catholic Fami-

ly Catechism are marked with an asterisk (*) to

form a shorter catechism on their own. These

contain 4,270 words, an average of 17 words

per answer.

      The remaining 152 answers that can be omit-

ted the first time through or with younger

children contain 2,930 words, an average of 19

words per answer.




      There is a story told of a mother who was instructing her

three year old daughter. Mum said: “God hasn’t got a

body.” The three year old went off into peals of laughter:

“He must look funny, with his legs jointed on to his head!”

      There is an important lesson for adults in this: “Body”

had a precise meaning for this child, namely the trunk of

the human “body”, where “body” means the material part

of our human nature, in contrast to our soul or spirit.

      In the INDEX, “body” has four meanings, and we

grown-ups tend to glide from one meaning to another

without realizing what we are doing. The index is very

useful for recognizing these “Catholic ambiguities”.


Page 192

      The following list of ambiguous Catholic words should

be kept in mind when talking with children. Children are

quite capable of understanding how words can have several

meanings: after all a lot of their jokes depend on it. What

is more, many of the words listed have meanings that are

derived from each other, and an understanding of this can

help produce that “Catholic mind” that is the measure of a

maturing faith.


Adoption: (1) human; (2) by God.

Celebration: (1) emotionally joyful party; (2) publicly per-

formed rites.

Charity: (1) love of neighbour; (2) love for God; (3)


Chastity: (1) virginity; (2) virtuous use of sex, as in chaste


Church: (1) the building; (2) God’s People; (3) a denomination

Confession: (1) part of the Sacrament of Penance; (2) the

Sacrament of Penance.

Communion: (1) Holy Communion; (2) Communion of

Saints; (3) denomination.

Eucharist: (1) Liturgy of the Eucharist; (2) the Consecrated

Bread and Wine; (3) receiving them.

Faith: (1) God’s gift of power to believe; (2) the doctrines

believed; (3) trust.

God: (1) the Father; (2) the Trinity.

Grace: (1) God’s gift of himself; (2) prayer before meals.

Head: compare all the Answers listed in the index.

Heaven: (1) where God shows his glory; (2) the skies above.

Hell: (1) where the Devil rules; (2) “descended into hell” of

the limbo of Old Testament saints.

Host: (1) the gift in a sacrifice; (2) the consecrated Bread;

(3) an army; (4) one who welcomes guests.

Last Rites: see Answer 290.

Love: (1) an emotional liking; (2) willing what is good: (3)

God’s love given to us with grace; (4) our love for God; (5)

our love for our neighbour; (6) an excuse for lust.


Page 193

Ministry: (1) priesthood; (2) being an acolyte or server; (3)

Loving service inspired by the Holy spirit’s charisms.

Passion: (1) Our Lord’s sufferings; (2) bodily desires.

Penance: (1) a Sacrament; (2) part of that Sacrament; (3)


Sacramental: see footnote on 308.

Sacrifice: (1) the Mass; (2) Jewish and Pagan; (3) self-denial.

Victim: (1) the living gift offered in Sacrifice; (2) road casualty.






      See the note following the heading “GOD THE

CREATOR”, just before Answer 7.

THE FATHER, THE CREATOR: The work of creation

Belongs to all Three Divine Persons of God the Holy Trinity.

Yet it is appropriated to God the Father, because within

the Trinity, the Father is the source of life for both the Son

and the Holy Spirit. True, the Son and the Holy Spirit are

equal with the Father, yet it is the father who gives the Son,

the quality of having divine life in himself (see John 5:26)

and the Father and the Son give this quality to the Holy

Spirit (see John 14:26; 15:26; 16:14-15).

      Moreover, the Three Persons do not all have the same

Role in creation: it is the work of the Father, through the

Son: John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2-3. So it is appropriate that the

Scriptures, the Liturgy, the Church’s Creeds and this

catechism appropriate Creation to the Father.

THE SON, THE SAVIOUR: It is more abvious that the

work of salvation would be appropriated to God the Son,

because he alone became incarnate as the God-man and

made the sacrifice for our salvation. But he did not do this

without the Father sending him and accepting his offering,

or without the Holy Spirit’s role in his miraculous concep-

tion and in the application of salvation to our individual

souls. Again, the entire trinity is in action (so to speak),


Page 194

but each Divine Person acts in a way appropriate to his rela-

tionship with the other Two.


Jour sanctification belongs to all Three Divine Persons – all

Three dwell in our souls by grace – but it is appropriated to

the Holy Spirit, because he is bond of love between Father

and Son, and because he is the Gift of the Father. Thus St.

Paul says our “bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit” (1

Corinthians 6:19). Thus grace is appropriated to the Holy

Spirit (see answers 43-45) even while all Three Persons are

indwelling (see 45). This is why the Church, land the Com-

munion of Saints that share holy things like Sacraments,

are grouped in the creed as works of the Spirit, even while

they  so obviously involve the Father and the Son as well.

FURTHER READING: “The Poems of St. John of the

Cross”, translated by Roy Campbell; the Second Vatican

Council’s “Constitution on the Liturgy”, Nos. 5-7, and

“Constitution on the Church”, Nos. 1-8 and 17.



      Computers do not think.

      In view of Answer 37, this is most important. Our unique

human capacity to know and understand proves that we

have spiritual souls. The animals have knowledge too, but

only a picture sort of knowledge such as appears on a T.V.

screen, without any general ideas. Computers do not even

have an animal sort of knowledge.

      The computer can only do the things that it has been pro-

grammed to do. This is does very quickly. A computer is a

complicated tool, an instrument for the human mind to

facilitate some of the mind’s operations, just as tools

facilitate the work of human hands.

      A computer is something like a combination of an elec-

tric typewriter, a desk calculator multiplied many times, an

electronic card index that can store vast amounts of infor-

mation, a video-tape recorder, sometimes a T. V. screen,

and a tele-printer.


Page 195

      None of these items, taken separately, involve thinking

or understanding. Rather, they are an instrument for us doing so.

      Nor taken in combination, as a computer, can they think

or understand.

      The science fiction stories of the machines taking over the

government of human beings are horrifying precisely

because robots are mechanical and electrical slave-

machines, that could only act towards us as sub-human dic-


      The qualities that make our thinking something

specifically human are our consciousness of our thinking,

our capacity to make generalizations and recognize approx-

imations, our understanding of the reasons why things hap-

pen and not just the fact that they happened, our apprecita-

tion of completely non-materialistic ideas like love and

justice, wisdom and temperance, etc.



1.      God made everything, hence the listing of light, air,

earth, trees, sun, moon, stars, birds, fish, animals and

finally man. The Church does not define the meaning of the

six days of creation: the Hebrew word for a day simply

means a period of time.

2.      God is Almighty: he created everything by a word, a

thought: “Let there be light – and the light was made”!

3.      Man is unique among God’s creatures: man’s dignity,

duty and destiny are due to his soul being made in God’s

image and likeness; also, men and women are equal before

God; marriage is bless by God; mankind is responsible to

God for his use of creation.

4.      Man is made for the worship of God: the rest day is

God’s, and the first man and woman enjoyed God’s


5.      There really was an historic first man (“Adam” means

the man”) and an historic act of disobedience. Therefore

there are restrictions on what a Catholic may hold by way

of private opinion on the evolution of the human body.


Page 196


      See 41, also 36-40, 47-54.

      The teaching of the Catholic Church on evolution was

given clearly by Pope Pius XII in his encyclical letter,



(1) Each human soul is a direct creation of God. Souls do

      not evolve.

(2) All human beings now on earth have Adam for their

      ancestor. Because of this descent from Adam, we are

      born with original sin.

(3) The evolution of the human body from other living mat-

      ter is an open question. A Catholic could hold it, but he

      must hold (1) and (2).

(4) Such evolution has not been proved and should not be

      taught as fact.


   Since then, the Second Vatican Council referred to the

historical fact of Adam and of original sin in several places:-

“On the Church”, No. 2, in 1964;

“On the Church in the Modern World”, Nos. 13 and 22, in 1965.

   Also, Pope Paul VI, in his “CREDO OF THE PEOPLE

OF GOD”, IN 1968, re-affirmed this teaching.

   Catholic thinkers should heed point 4 above. Since 1950,

all the scientific discoveries have weakened the theory of


(a) “Piltdown Man” of 1912 was proved to be a deliberate

      fraud in 1953-54; yet it was “Piltdown Man” that

      helped establish “Peking Man” in 1927 and “Java

      Man” in 1936.

(b) Around 1950, evolutionists declared mankind to be

      100,000 years old, and they worked out a series of miss-

      ing links and common ancestors and presented them as

      factual proof of evolution. Since then, more recent

      human fossils in Africa have been declared to be

      2,000,000 and more recently 4,000,000 years old, thus

      wiping out all the previous details of the theory.


Page 197

( c) Professor Jerome Le Jeune, Contemporary researcher

      into the chromosome excess in Mongoloid children, has

      declared that, because the chromosomes are so com-

      plicated in their arrangement and in their constituent

      genes, it is impossible for any species now on earth to

      have descended from anything but a single make and

      female of its own species. Thus Adam and eve are once

      more perfectly respectable scientifically.

   A further interesting point about the theory of evolution

is that if Point (2) of Pope Pius XII were wrong, not only   

does original sin cease to exist in its traditional form, but so

also does human solidarity. It is only by descent from

Adam that we now have kinship by blood with all other

human beings on earth. Racist theories usually reject Adam 

and embrace polygenism. Also, human solidarity with

Adam is the foundation for human solidarity with Jesus

Christ in his Mystical Body, the Church.




      “To be ignorant of the Scriptures is to be ignorant of

Christ.” St. Jerome (342-420 A.D.)

      The Old Testament is the inspired record of God’s deal-

ings with his Chosen People. These dealings prepared the

way for the coming of God’s Son.

      It is said that the best commentary on the New Testament

is the Old Testament, Many of the New Testament prayers,

and those of the Church’s liturgy, are taken directly from

the Old Testament, or at least based on it.

      Our Lady, St. Joseph, our Lord himself and his apostles,

and their listeners, were all familiar with the Old Testament

Scriptures. They were brought up on it:

      “Continue in what you have learned and firmly believed.

You know from whom you learned it and how from your

Childhood you have been familiar with the sacred writings

Which are able to instruct you for salvation, through your



Page 198

faith in Christ. All scripture is inspired by God and pro-

fitable for teaching, reproof, correction and instruction in

righteousness, so that the man of God my be perfect,

capable of every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:14-17.

      The following passages are part of every Christian’s


Creation: Genesis 1-2

The Fall: Genesis 3

Cain and Abel: Genesis 4

Noah and the Flood: Genesis 6-9

The Tower of Babel: Genesis 11:1-9

The Call of Abraham: Genesis 12: 1-9

Abraham and Isaac: Genesis 22

Esau and Jacob: Genesis 27

Jacob and Rachael: Genesis 29-30

Joseph’s Coat: Genesis 37

Joseph’s great Success Story: Genesis 39-41

Moses in the Bullrushes: Exodus 1-2

Moses and the Burning Bush: Exodus 3

Moses and the Plagues: Exodus 4-10

Death and Passover: Exodus 11-12

The Ten Commandments: Exodus 19-20

Samuel the Prophet: 1 Samuel  3

David and Goliath: 1 Samuel  17

David and Saul: 1 Samuel  18 and 24

David and Jonathan: 1 Samuel  20

David, Bathsheba and Uriah: 2 Samuel  11

David’s Repentance: 2 Samuel  12:1-23

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal: 1 Kings 18

Elijah on Mount Horeb: 1 Kings 19

Naboth’s Vineyard: 1 Kings 21

Achab’s Doom: 1 Kings 22:1-40

Elisha and the Leper: 2 Kings 5

The Fall of Jezebel: 2 Kings 9

The Fiery Furnace: Daniel 3

The Writing on the Wall: Daniel 5

Daniel in the Lion’s Den: Daniel 6

The Maccabees’ Martyrdom: 2 Maccabees 7

Page 199


      “Here are a few practical ways in which we can exercise a

lay apostolate in our street and let our neighbours hear the

Gospel message and recognize the Christ in us, as we

recognize the Christ in them:

1. ALWAYS BE FRIENDLY: Try and be friendly with

everyone you meet in your street, greeting them or waving

to them whenever you see them. Like you they are children

of God.

2. BE A GOOD LISTENER: Let your neighbours talk out

their problems with you. Don’t be too busy. Like the Good

Samaritan be prepared to stop. You may be the only one

they can find to talk to. Fewer and fewer people are

prepared to listen.

3. VISIT THE SICK: When neighbours are taken ill, visit

them either at home or in hospital. What you do for them

Christ will take as done to himself.


sionally on the elderly and visit them, especially when they

live on their own. You might even be able to help with some

little job around the house or yard.

5. GIVE ADVICE: If you are asked for advice by

neighbours on any topic whatever, do your best to help

them. Even go to the trouble of finding out additional in-

formation, if it could be helpful.

6. ASSIST THE POOR: When a neighbour for whatever

reason is in financial difficulty and the family is experience-

ing poverty, first of all do whatever you can to help them,

and then let the St. Vincent de Paul Society or some other

welfare agency know of their need.

7. EXPLAIN THE FAITH: If the subject of religion is

brought up by a neighbour, explain the Catholic viewpoint

as best you can with sincerity and without apology. If you

neighbour wishes to take the point further, give him

Catholic literature on the subject or introduce him to a priest.

8. PRAY FOR THEM: Regularly include your neighbours

and their needs in your family prayer and Sunday Mass.


Page 200

9. FAMILY PRAYER: Occasionally share family prayer

with other Catholic families from your street, either in their

home or in your own. This is sharing what your families

hold dearest. You are inviting Christ to come more fully in-

to your midst. Then you are most truly neighbours to one


10. LOCAL ACTIVITIES: Take an interest in  local

government matters affecting your area. See if there is any

way that you can co-operate better with your neighbours to

improve the quality of local life and make your street a bet-

ter place to live in.


Reprinted from “The Catholic Weekly” of 18th May, 1980, by

Kind permission of the author, Mr. Wal Maggs and the Editor.



      By asking for their child to be baptized, parents are “ac-

cepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of

the faith” to “see that the divine life which God give them

is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow always stronger

in their hearts’. It is their “duty to bring them up to keep

God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God

And our neighbour”. The Rite of Baptism for Children.


      Parents should prepare:-

1. themselves spiritually by Confession and Communion;

2. the Christian name(s) by which their child will be called,

both by them and by God, and which should be used in the

Litany of the Saints at the Baptism;

3. one or two godparents, to assist them now and later, and

to represent the Church; if there are two godparents, one is

of each sex, and one of them can be a non-Catholic Christian

witness as long as he or she is baptized and believes in Christ;

4. for a visit from the priest, to help them and their own children

to take part in the Baptism and to follow it up afterwards;

5. a while garment, which can be used for all the children of

the family, perhaps with their names embroidered on it;


Page 201

6. a candle, perhaps decorated something like an Easter

Candle, though this is not essential: a domestic candle will do;

7. an offering in an envelope for the support of the priests.




      Seven times during the Rite of Baptism (‘rite” means

ritual or ceremony) something is DONE to the baby: the

essential ceremony is the third, the sacrament itself, while

the other six are sacramentals (see 3080 by which we wor-ship and are instructed:-

1. The Sign of the Cross by which the priest, parents and

godparents claim the child for Christ our Saviour, tracing a

small cross with their thumbs on the baby’s forehead;

2. The Oil of Catechumens as a prayer for salvation: the

priest dips his thumb in the olive oil blessed by the Bishop

and makes a cross on the baby’s breast: the word

catechumen” is a reminder of “catechism”, which in the

case of infants will be taught to them after baptism;

3. The actual Sacrament with Water and Words, see 224;

forever afterwards the use of holy water at the Church

doors, at home and sometimes at the beginning of Mass,

will be a reminder of Baptism and a prayer for a renewal of its grace;

4. The Chrism (see 240-241) as a reminder of the permanent

character of Christ given to the baptized child (see 230-231):

the priest dips his thumb in the chrism and traces a cross on

the crown of the child’s head:

5. The White Garment, as an outward sign of the Christian

dignity and a reminder to preserve one’s baptismal innocence,

is put on the child:

6. The Lighted Candle lit by the father from the Easter Candle,

to show that the flame of faith must be kept alive in the

child’s heart, especially by the efforts of parents and godparents;

7. The ‘Ephphetha(pronounced “ef-f-tha’), meaning

be opened” where the priest imitates Christ’s gesture of




Page 202

touching the ears and mouth, to show that the ears will

listen to Christ’s words and the mouth will proclaim his

faith to the praise and glory of God the Father.



Child:     What is the Christian “vocation”?

Parent:   A vocation is a call, a call from God to be

something. The Christian vocation came to us at

our Baptism, and it is the call to follow Christ, to

be disciples, to be like him. At our Confirmation,

we are called to be more like him by sharing in his

mission: we are sent to do his work as lay apostles,

with the Holy Spirit as our Helper and Guide.

Child:     I thought a vocation was becoming a priest.

Parent:   That’s the highest of the Christian vocations: to

act as Christ’s representative at the Altar so all can

join in his offering of sacrifice, to heal the wounds

of sin, and to “activate” the lay apostles to do

Christ’s work in the world.

Child:     That means there are other vocation for Christians?

Parent:   Yes, As well as the Sacrament of Holy Orders for

priest, there is the Sacrament of Marriage for

parents, for their vocation, and the blessing and

vows for nuns and brothers.

Child:     What’s my vocation?

Parent:   At the moment, your vocation is to be a young

apostle at home, in the family, at school, and in

the world of youth. Your job is to make things bet-

ter at home, at school and in the world. God has

entrusted something special just to you!

Child:     But when I grow up, how will I find out my God-

given vocation in life?

Parent:   We have to train ourselves to be willing to do what

God wants, especially by doing what is right when

we don’t feel like it. Look up No. 130 in your

Prayer Book, “Heart Speaks to Heart”, at least

the top part. Spend as much time on this as seems


Page 203

useful. The emphasis should be on using one’s

abilities to meet the needs of others.

Child:     Can ordinary jobs be vocations?

Parent:   All the ordinary work that people get paid for

should be building up a better world to live in

These jobs must be vocations to a follower of

Christ because the Father calls us to work on his

creation to make it more perfect through his gifts

to us, and to overcome the evil from human sins.

From the “Confirmation Kit for Home Preparation”,

Lesson Plan No. 7, published by the Cardinal Newman

Catechist Centre.



“With regard to children, in the Latin Church the ad-

ministration of confirmation is generally postponed until

about the seventh year. For pastoral reasons, however,

especially to strengthen the faithful in complete obedience

to Christ the Lord and in loyal testimony to him, Episcopal

conferences may choose an age which seems more ap-

propriate, so that the sacrament is conferred at a more

mature age after appropriate formation.

“In this case the necessary precautions should be taken so

that children be confirmed at the proper time, even before

the use of reason, where there is danger of death or other

serious difficulty. They should not be deprived of the

benefit of this sacrament.

“One must be baptized to receive the sacrament of confir-

mation. In addition, if the baptized person has the use of

reason, it is required that he be in a state of grace, properly

instructed, and able to renew his baptismal promised.”

            Rite of Confirmation, Introduction, Nos. 11-12

Preparation for Confirmation: Children preparing for

Confirmation should be practicing the Faith by prayer,

Sunday Mass and the regular reception of the Sacraments
they have already received. They should be “properly in-

structed”, using this Catholic Family Catechism and/or


Page 204

other suitable material – suitable to them, to their

catechists and to the Catholic Church.

If possible, they should attend the Parish Baptisms one

Sunday, to see what was done at their own Baptism. This

should help them understand their Confirmation. The

priest may be willing to take this into account in his ex-

planations of the Baptismal ceremonies, as they proceed.

A Confirmation sponsor is needed to present the child to

the Bishop. The sponsor should be a godparent from the

child’s baptism, or a new sponsor can be chosen, including

a parent. It is not required that the sponsor be of the same

sex as the child, but this may be preferable from the point

of example. The sponsor should be a practicing Catholic,

and not chosen simply to please relatives or neighbours.

The baptismal name is preferred for use in Confirmation,

But the custom of choosing a new saint’s name is permitted.

An on-going instruction must follow up the Confirmation,

so that the child grows in awareness of being a confirmed

Christian. The Catholic Family Catechism provides conti-

nuing  instruction, and the Liturgical Year is a continuing

call to deeper commitment, especially by a well-prepared

Easter and Pentecost each year.



      Before a marriage takes place in the Catholic Church, the

engaged couple must state in writing that they hold the

basic Catholic beliefs about marriage. The three questions

put to them are also repeated within the Marriage celebra-

tion as a “declaration of intentions”. The non-Catholic in a

mixed marriage must also hold these beliefs.

1.  Has your decision to marry been taken freely and willingly?

2.  Will you love and honour each other as man and wife

     for the rest of your lives?

3.  Will you accept children loving from God and bring

     them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?

     (for mixed marriages: his law?)



Page 205

The three question must be answered “yes” and signed in

the presence of the Parish Priest or his assistant. Within the

Marriage celebration, the questions are asked in a similar

form, and bridegroom and bride each answer each question

in turn, “I have”, “I will” and “I will”.

Mixed marriage dispensation: The following promise must

be made by the Catholic party in a mixed marriage:

      Aware that the Catholic faith which I profess is a gift

from God, I recognize my duty to guard and nourish it,

especially by prayer and the reception of the Sacraments

which our divine Saviour provides for us by the ministry of

his Church; and I declare that I am ready to remove all

dangers of lapsing from it.

      I shall strive to love and serve God faithfully, and obey

The commandment of Christ: “Love one another as I have

loved you. “In this way I shall endeavour to be both for my

partner in Marriage and for my family an example of con-

stancy “in faith and love and holiness”(1 Timothy 2:15),

and I shall make it my constant aim to pray for their

welfare, both in body and in soul.

      Since I believe that the Church founded by Christ subsists

(that is, continues to exist) in the Catholic church which is

governed by the successor of Peter and the Bishops in union

with him, I promise to do all in my power to have our

children baptized and brought up in the Catholic faith.

      My intended partner in Marriage has been informed of

my duties as a Catholic and of the declaration I have made

concerning my own care to preserve my faith and of my

promise concerning the children with whom God may

please to bless us. I am confident that with the grace of God

I shall be faithful to these duties and promises.



(see Answer 330)

Atheism: being sure that God does not exist.

Agnosticism: not being sure if God exists or not.

Extreme selfishness: making a god out of oneself.

Materialism (and secularism): making a god out of material

Page 206

goods and money.

Hedonism: making a god out of the pleasures of the body.

Evolutionism: believing in the forces of blind chance.

Communism: worshipping the classless society.

Humanism: making a god out of Man.

Rationalism: making a god out of human reason.

Modernism: making a religion out of the scholarship that

denies miracles.

Heresy: denying a truth revealed by God and defined by his


A number of these “-isms” are often held in common, even

when they contradict each other. The Second Vatican

Council treats other religions, and particularly the

separated Christians, in a positive fashion, stressing what

truth is prominent in them. See the Constitution on the

Church, Nos. 14, 15 and 16. It asserts that “they could not

be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was

founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse

either to enter it, or to remain in it”, and also, “even

though incorporated into the Church, one who does not

however persevere in charity is not saved”; (from No. 14 on

the Church).



(see Answers 369-378, 393-397)

      As noted before Answer 372, the basic treatment of the

6th Commandment can be given without the details on

human sexuality.

      But the treatment of purity in 372-376 must be given

positively. Purity means keeping the sexual powers of the

body under control, and for use according to God’s plan.

This requires an explanation of the human sexual powers.

1. This explanation has already begun in the child’s ex-

perience of family life and parental love. In the home, day

by day, the child should be learning the value and dignity of

mother and father, of brother and sister, and of self. This is

even more important than the points that follow. It is the

foundation for them and for the attitudes to them.

Page 207

2. Sex means male and female, literally, “divided into two”

within the human species. This is the way God designed and

made human beings. Hence every part of the body is good,

because God made it. Some parts are more private than

others (see 1 Corinthians 12:22-25). No parts are dirty or

evil. Each part of the body has its correct use which pleases

God. But good things can be misused or abused (see the ex-

ample of the tongue in James 3:1-12).

3. See the “Hail, Mary”, 75, for “womb”. God planned

that each baby would grow in the mother’s womb until

ready for birth.

4. The baby’s soul was made directly by God: see 37-38.

5. St. Joseph was the foster father of Jesus Christ, see 77.

He was not the earthly father of Jesus – see 70 and 72 and

footnote. For ordinary children, God planned that their

bodies would begin to exist and grow when their father and

mother showed their love for each other in a special em-

brace, that is, when they joined their bodies together in sex-

ual intercourse. Use correct names for the parts of the

body. Describe what the opposite sex looks like. It is best to

give information in small, digestible amounts and then

answer questions simply and without any great detail. The

detail can be supplied later when further questions require it.

6. These matters are wonderful and sacred because they

concern God’s plan for human life. But original sin has

made them somewhat embarrassing (see Genesis 2:25 in

contrast to 3:7-11). We need the correct attitude, that is,

modesty (see 396) and the avoiding of occasions of sin. See

the prayers in “Heart Speaks to Heart”. Nos. 142-145, and 147.

7. Children should be reminded to avoid bad companions

who make smutty talk about the body and its powers.

8. This sort of instruction should be given individually, to

one child at a time. This preserves reverence for the subject

and the mental privacy of the child. Public instruction in

these matters was forbidden by Pope Pius XI, and the Se-

cond Vatican Council locates its encouragement for “a



Page 208

positive and prudent education in matters relating to sex”

in the context of a general upbringing at home and not in

the context of schools (see “Christian Education”. No. 1:

schools are not mentioned till the end of No. 4).

9. Nowadays parents are taking up their responsibilities in

these duties to their children. Some schools prompt parents

by sending home advertisements for booklets and cassette

recordings and a general request that these private instruc-

tions be given at home.

10. Some suitable books for parents to use are: with

younger children, WHAT IS LOVE? SEX EDUCATION

FOR CHILDREN, BY Patrick Berry; also, IN THE IM-

AGE OF GOD by Dr. Sean O’Reilly, to help parents who

are not sure of their capacity to cope with the subject; and





      Because this Catechism is to be studied in conjunction

with the Prayer Book, “Heart Speaks to Heart”, it does

not contain a Prayer-Appendix.

      The Answers in the Catechism itself require the

memorization of The Apostles’ Creed (2), The Sign of the

Cross (4), the Hail Mary (75), the Our father (88), and for

older children, the Confirmation Prayer (245).

      Other prayers that should be memorized are in the Prayer

Book “Heart Speaks to Heart”. They are:

A Morning Offering (one out of 8, 11, 12 or 13),

An Act of Contrition or Prayer of the Penitent (91, 156,


Glory be to the Father (29)

the People’s responses at Mass (104 onwards)

Grace before and after Meals (160, 161)

Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity (39-41)

Angel of God (18)

Prayers for the Dead (136)

All these should be known and used regularly by the end of

Year 5 of schooling, that is, boys and girls aged 11 years.

Page 209






1. AMICE: a neck

cloth with tie cords

worn under alb to

protect it.


2. ALB: white linen


garment with

sleeves, also worn

by deacons, acolytes

and altar servers.



white or coloured

cord to gather alb

at waist; its ends

hang loose.


4. STOLE: worn

round neck,

hanging down each

side, held at waist

by cincture; stole

matches chasuble. A

deacon wears the

stole as a sash over

left shoulder.






Page 210


outer priestly

vestment akin to

Christ’s seamless

robe. Liturgically

coloured for season

or feast, often

braided with a cross

etc. A deacon wears

a dalmatic which

has short sleeves.




shown here can be identified from their pictures and an

ordinary school dictionary:




            (Not shown here: chalice veil, pall and altar cloth.)



















Page 211




P.O. Box 319, Johor Babru, Johor.


1. CHASTITY by Dr. Murray Norris. This booklet shows

     Teenagers the beauty of sex, the importance of chastity

     and how to say ‘No’ when required.


     Price : 20 cents each. (24 pages)



     by Fr. Nicholas Schneider. Useful to parents for

     intelligent participation in the baptismal rite and helpful

     to priests and catechists.


     Price : 30 cents each. (24 pages)



     S.J. A frank discussion for young boys reaching

     adolescence and mature boys thinking about the



     Price : 50 cents each. (35 pages)


4. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE (A Course in the Catholic Faith

     for adults) by Fr. A.J. Renckens. Based on Holy

     Scripture the Christian doctrine becomes alive and easy

     To understand in this booklet.


     Price : $2.20 (120 Pages)






Page 212


5. SALVATION HISTORY by Neal M. Flanagan, O.S.M.

    It is biblical theology about the one theme: salvation of

    mankind. It introduces the important people and events

    in the history of salvation.


    Price : $5.00 (344 pages)



    MINISTERS) prepared by M-J Diocesan Liturgy

    Commission. Extremely useful for Law Ministers.


    Price : $3.50 (117).




Page 213







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