DMA: An Opportunity for Work of Mercy.

Am I A Neighbour

Bettie Sidi …. A Picture says a 1000 words  Another tells more  .. And more  . and THE VISIT

(7 children to feed) MHII 260111, 150211, 030311, 060611

SKUP Angels give the needy every reason to keep the faith


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: image002 “The baby grows month by month, but needs milk



Her home, a shabby wooden shack is located at the squatter colony between a cement manufacturing and a plywood factory at Pending. Bettie, a migrant from the second division came to the city to seek for a better living 20 years ago. The dwelling environment appears polluted and unhealthy for living especially young children.


Bettie’s husband who works as a fisherman earns about RM400 per month.  Sometimes, she would pluck tapioca leaves and midin to feed her family. The family has been struggling to make ends meet as she works as a dish washer in the evening as well as juggling her role as a mother and a bread winner too.


SVDP has also come forward to help the family by applying birth certificates for two of her children aged 9 and 6 years. Her fifth child, Jackson, 6 years is now attending kindergarten at St Andrew for the past one month. He is a happy boy despite the family’s poverty and could sing children’s songs taught by his teachers.

Bettie’s 9-year-old daughter would be attending school for the first time at Primary 3 next week. By sending the children to school will help to break the poverty cycle and to elevate their human dignity.


Bettie’s world is getting brighter owing to the church organization who came to her rescue by providing food and more importantly, giving education to her children. At present, two older children who have basic education are on the look out for jobs opportunities . Her second son works as a waiter at a food court.


As brothers and sisters in Christ, let us do our little bit of charity here, by being friends to this family in need this season of Lent. Those who want to donate in cash or in kind such as food/household stuff like rice, dried noodles, milk powder, cooking oil, canned stuff, vitamins, clothing are welcome. Let us be the resurrected Christ for this poor folks.  Give Jesus the best gift this Lenten season by lifting the spirit of the poor in our midst.


Proverbs 11:25

Be generous, and you will be prosperous. Help others, and you will be helped.
















Since September 2010, Bettie Sidi, aged 40 years old, a mother to seven children between aged 19 yrs and 7 months has been collecting daily food supply from a mobile soup kitchen operated by SKUP near the Sg Apong Market. She and four of her younger kids have to trek through a jungle trail to get their daily ration of food.


Her home, a shabby wooden shack is located at the squatter colony between a cement manufacturing and a plywood factory at Pending. The dwelling environment appears polluted and unhealthy for living especially young children.


Bettie, a migrant from the second division came to the city to seek for a better living 20 years ago. A dream she never realized… Sometimes, she would pluck tapioca leaves and midin to feed her family. The family has been struggling to make ends meet as she works as a dish washer in the evening as well as juggling her role as a mother and a bread winner too.


SVDP has also come forward to help the family by applying birth certificates for two of her children aged 9 and 6 years. Her fifth child, Jackson, 6 years is now attending kindergarten at St Andrew for the past one month. He is a happy boy despite the family’s poverty and could sing children’s songs taught by his teachers.


Bettie’s 9-year-old daughter would be attending school for the first time at Primary 3 next week. By sending the children to school will help to break the poverty cycle and to elevate their human dignity.


Bettie’s world is getting brighter owing to the church organization who came to her rescue by providing food and more importantly, giving education to her children. At present, two older children who have basic education are on the lookout for jobs opportunities. Her second son works as a waiter at a food court.


As brothers and sisters in Christ, let us do our little bit of charity here, by being friends to this family in need this season of Lent. Those who want to donate in cash or in kind such as food/household stuff like rice, dried noodles, milk powder, cooking oil, canned stuff, vitamins, clothing are welcome. Let us be the resurrected Christ for these poor folks. 


Give Jesus the best gift this Lenten season by lifting the spirit of the poor in our midst.



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: image004 Bettie with 3 of her 7 children.

Who:             Bettie Sidi and family. (1 Adult, 7 children, age 9 months to 19 years)

When:           Sunday 20 March 2011, after 3pm DMD. (Second Sunday of Lent)

Where:           Squatters Area next to Kilang Simen

What to bring:


Shirts, Pants, Towels, Blankets, Used Children Clothing.


Presents and Toys for kids.


Cooking oil, Sugar, Salt, Rice, Biscuits, Milo, Milk Powder, Buns, Bread.


Soap, Story Books.


Program: (20/3/11 Second Sunday of Lent)

3.00pm DMD at St Peter’s Church

3.50pm Leave St Peter’s for Kilang Simen

4.00pm Bettie Sidi’s House next to Kilang Simen       MAP-BettieSidi

4.15pm Give her all the Gifts, clothing and stuff, show your compassion etc

4.30pm Sing some Lenten Hymns

4.40pm Take Some Photos

4.45pm Home


Be generous, and you will be prosperous. Help others, and you will be helped.

-        Proverbs 11:25


May you never forget your Easter this year.



15/2/11, 060611

(Lent starts Ash Wednesday 9 March, Good Friday 22 April,

Easter Sunday 24 April, Divine Mercy Sunday 1 May 2011)


Contact persons:

Cindy Teo

  Mary Chok



>Bettie Sidi

…. A Picture says a 1000 words  Another tells more  .. And more

and THE VISITThe RainThe PictureThe KidsThe HymnsThe Beam

> Am I A Neighbour