DMA: An Opportunity for Work of Mercy.

Am I A Neighbour

Bettie Sidi   A Picture says a 1000 words ..  Another tells more      

MHII 150211, 070311


MAR 2011



Bettie Sidi, 40, mother of seven children, works as a dish washer in the evening, have to provide for the whole family. Husband is a fisherman but seldom comes home…


As of 7 March 2011, we know the following:-


#1 Son, Mathew, 19 years old, studied till Primary 2 -presently looking for a job in as a coffee shop waiter.


#2 Son, Nicholas, 17 years old, currently working as a coffee shop waiter and provided with lodgings by his employer


#3 Daughter, Corina, 15 year-old - studied till primary 2, currently looking for a job.


#4 Daughter, Christina, 9 years old, attending school for the first time at Primary 3, Struggling with her studies.


#5 Son, Jackson, 6 years old, is now attending kindergarten at St Andrew


#6 Daughter, Corina, 3 years old


#7 Daughter, Lea, 7 months old, usually baby-sitted by sister No.4 when mom goes to collect food package on Saturdays.


Will you help?






>Bettie Sidi

>Am I A Neighbour