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Experience at the Life in the Spirit Seminar
Michael boomed, “The Lss is a compulsory component for your confirmation.” “You
yourselves heard what Father Chin said; those who do not attend will not be
confirmed.” Without really knowing what the 3-day seminar was all about, I
dragged myself to the church, hoping it to be over before I even realize.
the praise and worship, one of the aunties from the Emmaus community got up and
began her talk on God’s love, the miracle was I actually paid attention. Lots
of people had spoken to me about God, I heard a lot about Him, but this day, I
really heard. I knew that I wanted to know God the way he did. My own Baptism
in the Spirit happened the following day. I was standing with a desire in my
heart to be filled with the Holy Spirit and I experienced a hot flush in my
body. The experience lasted about ten minutes and I was left with one truth
that God loved me and the truth changed my life.
every sin we commit, we owe a debt to the devil, and when we die, Satan will
claim the debt from us.” This is probably the scariest quote I have ever heard.
However, I learned that Jesus has come and paid that debt in full. He paid for
it in the past, he is paying for it now, and he will pay for it forever. Jesus
is the way to salvation. Truly God the Father so loved the world that He was
willing to give up his Son to pay the sin debt.
13th of June was truly a milestone in my life. Thank you Father
Chin, for making the LSS compulsory for all form 3 students. Most importantly,
thank you God! For enlightening me on the truth that I am loved, cherished and
Naomi Sim Enyi