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20 Tips
for Christian Courtship
by Carmen Marcoux
of Catholic Novel, Arms of Love)
Have you ever thought
of your life as a love-story just waiting to
be written? What will
that story be like? Who will you include in
story? Will it be the kind of story you will want to share with
children someday, or one that leaves you filled with regrets?
Most young people will say
that they are hoping to
someday get married. Yet finding lasting love in
the life-long commitment of marriage is something that
many young people fear they will never find. With divorce
rates at over 50% in our culture, is it really still possible to
beat the odds?
J eremiah
says this:
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the
Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)
Do you trust God is capable
delivering on this promise?
I believe it is possible to
beat the odds. If God is calling
you to marriage, He is ready and willing to supply you
with all the graces and virtues you will need to make it work!
But we are not likely to
get there by playing all the
defective “dating games” that the world presents to us in the
name of romance. I heard a wise man once say, “If you want
to have that one-in-a-million kind of love in your life, you
have to be willing to be a one-in-a-million kind of person!”
Are you ready to meet that
challenge? Is it worth it to you
to be able to write the kind of love-story that God has in
store for you?
It is my hope that the
following 20 Tips for Christian
Courtship will help to
inspire young men and women
to holy romance when that time in life comes, according to
God's call. I invite you to consider making courtship your
game-plan to live out purity in your life, to discover holy,
God-glorifying romance,
and to pave your way to lasting
love in marriage.
1 Wait to Date:
Only consider courtship at
a time in your life when you are ready to consider marriage.
Many of us are in love
with “love” itself! We are so caught up in society's pressures to date that we
don't consider the real purpose of dating or courtship. It is to help
us find a spouse, if we are called
to marriage. So, if you are
not ready to consider marriage, you are not ready for dating or courtship!
Until that time, foster
the virtue of friendship and hold off the romance until you are really ready
it. Then you will be able to
get the most out of it and, more importantly, put your best into it!
“I want you to promise me . . . not to awaken
love until it is ready.” (Song of Songs 8:4) |
2 Set Your Standards High:
Only enter into a
courtship with a person with whom you would consider marriage.
You might consider “just”
dating someone to whom you are attracted, with no sense of long-term
commitment. The problem arises when you've grown attached to each other
after a period of time.
You may end up marrying
someone whom you otherwise would not have. The relationship has just
become habit: good or bad, you just can't break it off. Set the stakes
higher: only court with someone
whom you'd consider marrying. Begin creating an inventory now of the
characteristics and traits
you are looking for in your
future spouse. If you are called to marriage, it is only going to be with
one person. You can't afford
not to be choosy!
3 Learn to Discern:
Enter a courtship to
discern whether or not you are called to marriage with a
person. Courtship is dating with a purpose. If you know that you would
not consider marriage with
this person, or you are not ready to consider marriage yet, then
don't enter into a courtship. Stay
friends or acquaintances for the time being. Courtship is about
prayerful discernment, which means
you will decide either that
God is calling you to marriage with this person or that He is not. Both
outcomes are valid in a courtship!
“And this is my prayer: that
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what
is best and may be pure
and blameless until the day of
Christ.” (Philippians 1:9-10) |
4 Place Christ First:
You can not know God's
will without prayer. You need to foster prayer in your lives
individually and as a couple, if you are to discern God's will. Keep your
relationship with Christ alive
during your courtship! Keep Christ-centered and Christ-focused and you
will carry this pattern into
your marriage to help you during good times and in bad, in sickness
and in health, even until death!
5 Take Your Courtship Home:
Base your courtship in the
family. Do not allow your courtship relationship to cut you
off from the support of
family and friends. Instead, as much as possible, spend time with each
other's families. This is so important for, if you do end up married,
you'll want to be able to get along
with family. Family is an invaluable resource and such an integral
part of who we all are. You will
learn much about each other by seeing how each other relates to
family members. And your
family, in turn, can give you much insight about the person with whom
you are courting (and that
person's family, about you!) Family sees things we don't always see.
Love can be blind at times.
Family, and friends, can
really help to correct our vision. If you are far from family, make every
to get home and spend time
with them. And in the meantime, adopt a family (friends from Church,
for example) to provide for
you all the benefits of a family-based courtship.
Setting Guidelines: Items 6-15 deal with
setting guidelines for yourselves from the very beginning of your courtship.
If you're starting
over–changing from a dating relationship to a courtship model–then begin now with guidelines. The
following points will cover areas you should consider in those guidelines. |
6 Emotional Intimacy:
Guard your hearts and do
not dive emotionally into a courtship relationship head first.
Give yourselves time to
learn about each other. Do not open up all your intimate secrets, desires and
longings to each other immediately–just because you are courting. Allow
your relationship to grow
naturally. Keep the mystery alive by not revealing everything all at
once. The problem with
on each other emotionally early on in a relationship is that if you later
discern that you
are not called to marriage
you could have many regrets over having shared those intimate thoughts
and secrets with someone who
will not be your husband or wife. You need to be honest with each
other, but that does not mean you have to reveal everything right
away. As the relationship grows,
you will discover a natural
pace for sharing those emotional intimacies.
“Above all else, guard your heart.” (Proverbs 4:23) |
7 Physical Intimacy:
Decide what your limits
will be and write them down. Remember that as you store up
your treasures of physical intimacy before marriage–every sacrifice
that you make to stay pure
becomes a jewel for you to share with each other in marriage. At that
time you will be able to
delight in the beauty of giving yourselves to each other freely,
totally, faithfully and fruitfully. Your
pleasure in marriage will be magnified by your time of waiting.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) |
8 To Kiss or Not To Kiss:
Are you going to allow for
kissing or not? Kissing is NOT a sin. It is not bad. It does
not mean that a couple is
less virtuous in courting if they allow for kissing. It is a decision you make
as you set your guidelines.
So think through the reasons why you would choose to allow for it or not!
9 Save that First Kiss:
Many couples decide to
leave kissing out of their relationship–as kissing has the
power to ignite their passions. They choose to wait until the altar
for their first kiss. You might be
coming out of past relationships, where you have struggled to keep
control over your passions. You
might be coming from a position of never having been kissed before,
and now that you've waited
this long–you want to go all the way with it! There are a variety of
reasons why you, as a couple,
would choose this path.
10 Save that “Next” Kiss:
Other couples, who have
allowed for kissing in their relationship, sometimes decide to
cut it out and wait to have
their “next” kiss at the altar–which could be quite a wait! They've seen
how kissing is stirring up
passions that are making it harder for them to stick to their goal of
staying pure in their relationship and they don't want to derail their
intentions of purity! Perhaps
you are in this position and
can relate. You may want to choose this option as a way of preserving
the integrity of your
relationship and getting the most out of your time of courtship.
11 Kiss, but With Limitations:
Some couples allow for
kissing but they limit how and when and where. This is a wise
decision if they want to keep it from stirring those passions that can
be so easily ignited. Setting
boundaries ahead of time makes it easier to stick to our goals, rather
than waiting until we are in a
compromising situation and then falling prey to our weaknesses.
12 Hug Chastely:
Are you allowing for
hugging and in what context? Hugging is a completely
acceptable and beautiful expression of affection, support and love.
However, prolonged
hugging–while all alone and at times when you might be feeling weak, like late
at night–can
stir passions. Just be careful that you are guarding the context
well so that it doesn't begin to
undermine your good intentions. Learn to hug each other in a chaste
manner so that you are not
allowing this expression of intimacy to take you where you should not
13 How, Where and When You
Spend Time Alone:
During courtship you
obviously will want and need to spend time alone together. But
how and where are important
questions. If you are spending time alone late at night or in
complete isolation, you may just find that your resistance to temptation
is weakened. It's best to
find time alone together while doing something–going for a walk,
cycling, canoeing, playing
sports, taking in a show or going out to a restaurant, etc. By doing
this you will also discover how
much you have in common with each other (or not) and it will help
you in your discerning process.
14 Avoid the Near Occasion of Sin:
This is not to say that a
couple who is courting will only stick to their goal of purity if
they are NEVER alone together . . . as if to say the only reason
they resisted temptation is because
they never went near temptation. But there is a Christian principle
that exhorts us to “avoid the near
occasion of sin”. We should not
deliberately put ourselves in temptation's way. Hopefully, any couple
who makes these
resolutions–even if they were given the opportunity to break them–wouldn't
break them, because they are persons of integrity! But we are all
weak at times. All it takes is
one moment of weakness (and
be sure Satan will be watching for it) for you to make a mistake that
you could regret for a
lifetime. Remember, “Pride cometh before the
fall!” (Proverbs 16:18) And
don't ever think that you are too insignificant for Satan to bother
with you: he'll take every soul to
hell with him that he can!
15 Don't Give Rise to Scandal:
But what if we really are
not being tempted to physical impurity? Why wouldn't it be
alright to be off alone, in isolation together: for example, staying
late together over at one or the
other's apartment? This is where we get into the whole issue of giving
rise to scandal. The
problem a couple faces here–even if they are strong enough to resist
temptation–is the impression
they are giving to others. “So what?” You
may ask. “Let them gossip! What do we care? We know
we're not doing anything wrong!” When others perceive you to be
leading an impure life, it gives
them permission to not embrace purity in their own relationships.
They'll be thinking, “After all, we
see this couple doing it and
they're a nice Christian couple. Obviously it doesn't make any
difference if we do or don't.” Even though you had been embracing purity,
you still misled others to
believe you weren't. In this way you would not be helping to build the
Body of Christ by your good
example. Rather, through the scandal you would have given rise to, you
would have
inadvertently led others to sin. It is our sense of responsibility in the
Body of Christ that leads us to
make the necessary sacrifices for the sake of others when we decide
not to give rise to scandal.
“Let no one despise
your youth, but set the believers an example
in speech and
conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12) |
16 Accountability:
We all are more
responsible when we are held accountable for our actions. Make a
list together of your resolutions and guidelines for your courtship
and give that list to some mentoring
couples and accountability partners. These could be your parents, other
married couples
from Church, friends, roommates, family members. Basically you are
looking for people who you
trust and respect to be able to talk with openly about your
relationship. They should be able to ask
you at any time how you are
doing–if you are keeping your resolutions–and you need to be able to
answer them honestly.
17 Mentoring:
Along with the idea of
accountability is the need for having mentoring couples.
Ideally that would be your
parents, but it is not limited to parents. These couples should be
well-versed in the Church's teachings on marriage and the sacraments. They
should be couples who
can advise you on all kinds
of issues related to marriage: finances (especially tithing), family
networking, Natural Family Planning and the gift of human sexuality,
balancing work and family life
and so on. Plan to meet with
your mentoring couples on a regular basis. The relationship that you
will form with your parents (and your other mentors) during this
time of courtship will also be a
source of life-long blessings to your marriage someday.
18 Time to Pray and Time to Play:
Obviously prayer time is
important for a couple who is courting–as they are trying to
discern God's will for their relationship. But a couple should never
neglect to be sure to allow for
play time! Have fun. This season of life should be fun and filled
with excitement and adventure. As
you find a variety of
wholesome activities to do together, you will have the opportunity to see each
other in different settings and how you both respond to various
situations. Time spent this way will
not only be fun, but it will
be very helpful to you in determining whether or not you are being called
to marriage. So, don't
forget to make time to play. The memories of your time of courtship will be
treasured for a lifetime.
19 Keep the Romance Alive:
Remember that courtship is
a time of romance. Don't cheat yourselves out of that.
Enjoy dynamic, exciting,
God-glorifying romance by seeking ways to give of yourselves to each
other, to serve each other and to show your love for each other in
simple ways. Romance–true
romance–is about blessing the other by giving of self . . . and that's
what true love is about, too. So
you see, the two go hand in
hand. Couples who engage in an intensely physical relationship often
lose out on this very point–because physical pleasure has become the
focus of their relationship. By
converse, couples who do not distract themselves with physical intimacy
have more time on their
hands to spend creatively doing romantic things for each other and
together, blessing each other
with their loving deeds and gestures as often as they can. This
pattern will also follow you into marriage
and bless you to remain
romantic and exciting throughout your life together!
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the
desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4) |
20 Be Active in Your Faith Community:
Courtship is a great time
to grow in faith together, and to spend time together in your
faith community. In this way your relationship is supported by
like-minded people who will
become for you that community that celebrates with you in times of
joy, consoles you in times of
grieving, and that lifts you up you in times of hardship. We cannot live
in isolation. We need that
community to be there for us, which means, we need to be there for them
as well. Be involved, have fun
taking in events and activities together, volunteer service time
together, and join in prayer groups and
Bible studies together.
Again, these opportunities to spend time together, in a larger group setting,
help you to learn much about each other by seeing how each other
deals with a variety of situations
and other persons . . . and
are great opportunities to dedicate your time and talents to the Lord.
There is a great deal that can be said about
courtship. Each family needs to establish
their own model–sometimes a different model for the varying
circumstances of each
child. What is important is that you discuss these things in the
family and when the
time comes in your life for courtship you will be prepared with an
excellent game
plan! Then, with God's help, will you be able to write a love-story
that will become a heritage for
you to pass down to your
children and to your children's children: a heritage of God-glorifying, holy
romance that will stand the test of time!
The information on this
brochure is copyrighted by Carmen Marcoux,_2006.
Published by One Way Publishing House, Saskatoon, Canada.
Can courtship work
Absolutely. Highly acclaimed
Arms of Love, puts it all into perspective.
A compelling story
about courtship
and chastity, with a
modern-day appeal, imbued with
traditional, solid, Catholic values:
it captures readers of
all ages
and backgrounds, men and
women alike,
and inspires them with
its hope-filled
of purity.
for both Arms of Love and
the “Twenty Tips on Courtship”.
For more information on these excellent
chastity resources, or to book Carmen for a
speaking engagement, please call 1-800-705-7396
or visit us at www.courtshipnow.com
cover photo courtesy of Leah Mann • brochure design: Shawna Kunz,
Lime Design, 2006
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