St Peter’s Church

Padungan, Kuching, in the Archdiocese of Kuching.





Collection of Gifts for Rural Children

22/11 to 13/12/2009        Sunset & Sunday Masses    @ St. Peter's Church

Anthony Tomik          082-423424

Drop Christmas Presents in the Boxes at the Entrance of the Church.


Holiday Camp for Primary School Children (aged 10-12)

3/12-5/12/2009               3D-2N Live-in           @ St. Peter's Parish Centre

Linda Jong                        014-688 b7218,                Valentine Teng  012-8083336



RCIA: Rite of becoming Catechumens (RCIA 09/10)

29/11/2009              First Sunday of Advent     5:30 pm    @ St. Peter's Church

Sister Ignatia Soon   082-429140


FFC Advent Pilgrimage to Mt Hosanna (day trip)

29/11/2009              First Sunday of Advent     6:00 am    @ bus leaves St. Peter's Church car park

Valentine Harry         013-8096101,                   Adriana Chua  019-866 2112

Holy Mass 10:00 am at Mt Hosanna Chapel, 160km from Kuching. Healing session after Mass.


Feast of Immaculate Conception

8/12/2009               Tuesday                    7:00 am & 7:30 pm @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140

Also Monday Sunset Mass  7/12                 7:30 pm


Launching of House-to-House Christmas Carolling 2009

12/12/2009              Saturday                 6:00 pm    @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


House-to-House Christmas Carolling

18-23/12/2009        7:00 pm    @ House-to-House

Keith Yong                        012-887 1774

FFC Children’s Christmas Carollers.


Holy Hour

18/12/2009              Friday                       8- 9 pm     @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


Christmas Children's Party & Fellowship after Mass

20/12/2009             Sunday             11:00 am   @ Our Lady Star of the Sea Chapel, Bintawa

Anthony Tomik          082-423424


Christmas Children's Party

20/12/2009             Sunday             2 – 4 pm   @ St. Peter's Parish Hall

Valentine Teng          012-808 3336


Christmas Confessions

21-23 Dec 2009                7.30pm or after Evening Mass till 9:30 pm  @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140

TIPS: Come early. Queue early. Go Home early.


If you have difficulties in “Returning Home”

I strongly recommend you visit Fr Pat’s


This is a Web Site for those who have become distanced from the Catholic Church.  I hope you find it a safe and friendly place to visit.  I hope it helps answer some of the questions you may have.  I hope it is helpful as you consider whether you'd like to return.

We can move away from the Church for many reasons.  We'll take a look at the most common ones.  You're very much in my prayers.  Know that I'll do all that I can to provide some ways to help heal the difficulties of the past and help you move on in wonderful ways.  God has continued to love you despite anything that has been part of the past.  Sometimes we simply yearn to hear the words, "C'mon back."  That's the message this Site provides!  So ...


Joint Christmas Service

17/12/2009              Thursday          7:30 pm – 9:30 pm    @ Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre

HOST: Anglican church


Pre-Midnight Carols

24/12/2009             Thursday          11:00 pm to 11:45 pm         @ St. Peter's Church

Eileen Ting                        019-818 1811


Christmas Eve's Mass

24/12/2009             Thursday          12:00 midnight         @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


Christmas Day Mass

25/12/2009             Friday               7:30 am                   @ St. Peter's Church

25/12/2009             Friday               5:30 pm                   @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


Combined Requiem Mass

31/12/2009              Friday               7:30 pm                   @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


Feast of Holy Family

26/12/2009             Saturday         6:00 pm                    @ St. Peter's Church

27/12/2009             Sunday             7:30 am                   @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


Launching of Family Year of TRINITY 2010

with Pot-Luck fellowship after Mass

27/12/2009             Sunday             7:30 am                   @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140


New Year Peace Mass (2010)

1/1/2010                  Friday               7:30 pm                   @ St. Peter's Church

Fr. Vincent Chin         082-429140

Our Lady Queen of Peace Feast day (1st January)


“Father, may they be made perfect in one; and the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me” (John 17:23)

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FFC ... YOUTHSt Peter’s Church