+ O my God, I believe in You, because You are truth itself.
O my God, I hope and
trust in You, because of your promises to me.
O my God, I love You above all things, because You are so good yourself;
teach me to love
You daily more and more.
O my God, I offer You
all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings;
and I beseech You
to give me your grace that I may not offend You this day,
but may
faithfully serve You and do your holy will in all things.
I desire to gain all the indulgences that I can.
I have no intention of
sinning today, save me, O Lord, or I perish.
Holy Mary, be a mother to me. Angels and Saints of God,
pray for me. St. Michael, pray for me.
+ The Lord bless us and keep us from
all evil and bring us to everlasting life.
+ May the divine assistance remain always with us
and may the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
(During the day:
Frequently remind yourself of the loving God by momentary acts of love.
Keep away from what
leads to sin. Do not let anyone lead you to do anything wrong. God is with you.
If you are tempted to
sin, make the sign of the Cross and say, “Lord, save me, or I perish.”
If you have fallen into
sin, say,
“My God, I am
very sorry that I have offended you,
with the help of
your grace, I will not sin again.”)
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