A. Lord, S.J.)
X The
Little Flower belongs to all of us.
She was truly the saint of the common people.
She prayed for priests and asked God to make them worthy of
their office.
She prayed that young women would follow her into the
and they did - by the thousands.
She prayed for her own beloved family
and with them for all the mothers and fathers of the
Catholic world.
She so loved the missionaries that the Pope made her the
heavenly patroness of missionary activity.
Young aviators placed her picture on the wings of their
Soldiers paused on their way to battle to visit her
and to kneel in the chapel where she had knelt.
Churches were named in her honour, and schools were
dedicated to her.
Poets and musicians united to sing her praises.
But, above all, the poor, the lowly,
the weak learnt to love her and venerate her for being poor
and lowly like themselves.
For by her life she assured them that the countless drab
little daily acts of virtue
were the mosaics of sanctity.
Unknown in life, she is known to all mankind,
and all mankind loves Little Flower.
To her we say:
The Prayer of Saint Theresa,
the Little Flower of Jesus
O God, who hast said,
“unless you change and become
like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
18:3, JB)
grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow
in humility and simplicity of
heart the footsteps of the virgin blessed Saint Theresa
that we may attain to
everlasting reward.
Who livest and reignest with
God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.
Novena Petition…
X St Theresa the Little Flower of Jesus, Pray for us. |
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