A. Lord, S.J.)
X Life on
earth for the Little Flower was to be short.
Knowing that death was near, she smiled eagerly toward the
bliss ahead.
But she was not going to forget the needs of earth.
On the command of her superior
she wrote with the greatest simplicity the story of her
love for God and her devotion to sinners.
And in the telling of her story she said these
unforgettable words:
“I shall spend my heaven doing good on earth. After death
I shall let fall a shower of roses.”
How charming is the confidence of the childlike saint.
Not for a moment did she doubt that heaven would be hers.
Not for an instant did she doubt that God would give her
the power to shower the world with favours.
The Little Flower, the rose of earth,
knew that once she was in the
she would shower roses as a great vine of rambler roses
drops its petals to the ground.
She knew that she could best show her love for God
by continuing throughout the endless reaches of eternity
to love her neighbour even more than herself.
To this little saint dropping roses from haven we pray:
The Prayer of Saint
Theresa, the Little Flower of Jesus
O God, who hast said,
“unless you change and become
like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
18:3, JB)
grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow
in humility and simplicity of
heart the footsteps of the virgin blessed Saint Theresa
that we may attain to
everlasting reward.
Who livest and reignest with
God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.
Novena Petition…
X St Theresa the Little Flower of Jesus, Pray for us. |
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