A. Lord, S.J.)
X Sin is
the saddest thing we know.
Sin nailed Christ to the cross,
rejecting in scorn and ridicule the most wonderful figure in
But from the cross Christ faced sin and through His
sufferings and torturing Passion
made possible our victory over sin and the certainty of our
own Easter and resurrection.
These are commonplace truths to the Little Flower of Jesus.
She claimed a part for herself in the Passion of her Lord.
If sinners must suffer, she asked to be allowed to suffer
as Christ had suffered, in the place of sinners.
If sin could be wiped away only by sorrow and penance,
she grieved that the vicious struck at God and at their own
and she voluntarily fasted and laid the scourge to her
gentle flesh.
She kept silence to atone for sins of the tongue.
She went without food to win forgiveness for the drunken.
She was cruel to her flesh because so many in the world
pampered their flesh.
And because of her
God sent new waves of grace to sinners and forgave
criminals on their way to the gallows
and snatched the guilty from the consequences of their
With them, we thank her and say:
The Prayer of Saint
Theresa, the Little Flower of Jesus
O God, who hast said,
“unless you change and become
like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
18:3, JB)
grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow
in humility and simplicity of
heart the footsteps of the virgin blessed Saint Theresa
that we may attain to
everlasting reward.
Who livest and reignest with
God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.
Novena Petition…
X St Theresa the Little Flower of Jesus, Pray for us. |
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