A. Lord, S.J.)
X From that
day until long after her death
the Little Flower bloomed unseen in a transplanted garden
on earth.
She dropped over her young and lovely face a concealing
She wore the disguising garments that are the religious
and heard the key turn in a lock that closed her in and all
the world out.
Business and industry, changes of cabinets and marches of
armies ignored her completely.
But she did not ignore them.
Prayer…prayer… and more prayer became her life.
She prayed before men rose from their drugged sleep and
after they had dropped exhausted on their beds.
She rose at
She followed in prayer the faltering steps of the young and
begged for strength for them.
Through her prayers she went with the missionary into far
countries, begging God’s grace for his work.
Her prayers like angel messengers came to the dying and
stood between the tempter and sin.
Prayer was her life; she prayed for the life of souls.
And because of her
the lives of thousands are turned from death and other
thousands find the life of God.
To the praying nun of
The Prayer of Saint
Theresa, the Little Flower of Jesus
O God, who hast said,
“unless you change and become
like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
18:3, JB)
grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow
in humility and simplicity of
heart the footsteps of the virgin blessed Saint Theresa
that we may attain to
everlasting reward.
Who livest and reignest with
God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.
Novena Petition…
X St Theresa the Little Flower of Jesus, Pray for us. |
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