A. Lord, S.J.)
X The
thought of
was the impelling motive of her young life.
But it was not easy to leave home and relatives and
Every tie of childhood bound her close to the associations
of home.
She was like the rest of us: Temptation to ease and luxury
and comfort touched her closely.
It took a will united closely with the suffering Saviour to
kiss her father goodbye
and say farewell to her relatives and friends.
She turned from her beloved home for the last time,
torn between the joy of entering
and the pain of knowing that she would never again see the
dear familiar house.
She was leaving all things for Christ.
She was making the great sacrifice that is demanded of
every religious.
Only the certainty that Christ waited for her in the
cloister of
and that His cross was sweet and His burden light
made it possible for this child to leave all that she knew,
all that she naturally loved and voluntarily accept
imprisonment behind the grill of
To the little maiden who made her great renunciation for
God and sinners we pray:
The Prayer of Saint Theresa,
the Little Flower of Jesus
O God, who hast said,
“unless you change and become
like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
18:3, JB)
grant us, we beseech thee, so to follow
in humility and simplicity of
heart the footsteps of the virgin blessed Saint Theresa
that we may attain to
everlasting reward.
Who livest and reignest with
God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.
Novena Petition…
X St Theresa the Little Flower of Jesus, Pray for us. |
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