Some essays, some thoughts
Positive Work Attitude
Yung Kong Group organized an in house training session on Positive Work Attitude in 1995. It was conducted by Cik Siti Ilmiah Bt Ramli of the Malaysian Employers Association (MEA) on 9 and 10 October at the Magnolia Hall, Wisma Hii Yii Ngiik, Kuching. A total of 25 YungKong People from different companies of our group attended the course. It was conducted in Bahasa Malaysia so that non-English speaking staff can understand and benefit from the training.
The 2-day course was quite comprehensive. Participants were introduced to basic values of life and work, basic motivation theories, attitude towards works, behaviour, leadership, communications, quality, responsibility and ways of building positive mental thinking. It was a good introduction, after the training, the participants should revise the subject matters frequently and be able to incorporate what they have learnt in the work they do. This will make them better workers and healthier persons with positive view towards works and life generally.
The participants were given some booster speeches by the Executive Directors and the chief executive. I am not talented at making speeches, especially with a short notice but as a Group Executive Director I had to discharge my duty of delivering some words of encouragement and support. I gave a short speech at the start of the second day of the training. Education is part of Yung Kongs continual investment in our people. It is because we believe that people are one of the greatest assets we have at Yung Kong. We are positive about our people, we desire our people to be positive about themselves, and not just be positive about themselves, but also be positive towards the company, the works, fellow workers, colleagues, family and life generally. We are willing to sacrifice time loss and put in extra efforts to train and educate our people because we know very well that Yung Kong will only be as strong as the weakest person we keep. If our people are not strong, our company will not be strong. If our people do not have positive attitude, we will be surrounded by negative out-look people, and our products, our services, our quality will naturally be produced and delivered with a dull negative out-look. This is undesirable, what we desire is to have a happy work team with positive attitude producing and serving quality products.
My speech was ended by quoting the American philosopher, William James: Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." I hoped the outer aspects of those who had not had a positive attitude would be changed by shifting their attitude to the positive side, after the course.
- Ir Michael Hii, 1996