DMA: An Opportunity for Work of Mercy.

Am I A Neighbour   Bettie Sidi  A Picture says a 1000 words  .. Another tells more  . And more

and THE VISITThe RainThe PictureThe KidsThe HymnsThe Beam

MHII 120112


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: betty-food

Visit Mar 20, 2011

Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-rain1.jpg On Sunday 20 March 2011 as we left St Peter’s Church after the 3pm DMD for the Squatters Colony next to CMS, it started to rain. As we picked up the stuff and walked towards Bettie’s house, it started to rain dogs and cats (which we have plenty in Kuching). All of us were wet despite the umbrellas we carried, my straw hat didn’t help much, mybatu” shoes were drenched with water… Thank God for this rain, it was a long time since I had a chance to walk in heavy rain with my dear!!! And it was long walk again!


 Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-rain3.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-rain2.jpg

As we arrived, Bettie was waiting for us with her children.


We had been warned that the “hut” was shaky and the floor might not withstand all of us (I think around 30 in number, some heavy weight like me!)…


Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-rain4.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-rain5.jpg “We came with a joyful heart”

But the Shower of Blessings was so great that I had no choice but to ask everybody to enter the hut, evenly distributed around so as not to overload any particular spot.


Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-Thanks for coming.jpg Peace be with you

 Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-Visitors1.jpg  Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-Visitors5.jpg  Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-visitors8.jpg Spread around, don’t collapse the hut…

Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-Hear.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-visits3.jpg “We heard her Philip, that’s why we brought milk, food and toys”


Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-gifts.jpg  Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\neighbour-BettieSidiPIXrain_files\image028.jpg We gave Bettie the toys and stuff, sang some Lenten hymns, took some photos… meanwhile the Shower of Blessings continued. As we were leaving, alas, too many people were crowed at the main door and “CRACKED” the beam underneath broke!!! Philip Aso knelt down and had a look and told me the fact. I also had a look, yes, the beam underneath the main door was cracked… hmm…


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\SONY-BettieSidiSMALL\Bettie-BeamBroken.jpg As I walked back to the car with my dear in the heavy rain, I was worried that the house might collapse if we didn’t come back and repair the broken beam, that would be a real disaster for Bettie instead of good news!

So I sent some men to repair and strengthen the beams and columns, by 30 March, it was done.


My shoes were still damp after one week, but the WOM visit to Bettie Sidi was fresh in my heart, it will never be forgotten!


Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-happy2.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-happy.jpg 

Happy Easter to all (24 April 2011).

Blessed Divine Mercy Sunday (1 May 2011).




>Bettie Sidi

and THE VISITThe RainThe PictureThe KidsThe HymnsThe Beam

>Am I A Neighbour