DMA: An Opportunity for Work of Mercy.

Am I A Neighbour   Bettie Sidi  … A Picture says a 1000 words  .. Another tells more  . And more

and THE VISIT…The Rain…The Picture…The Kids…The Hymns…The Beam

MHII 120112.


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: betty-food

Visit Mar 20, 2011

On Sunday 20 March

 Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\SONY-BettieSidiSMALL\BettieSidi-DM1.jpg  We gave Bettie a Big Divine Mercy Picture…

 Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\SONY-BettieSidiSMALL\BettieSidi-DM2.jpg  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\SONY-BettieSidiSMALL\BettieSidi-DM3.jpg  Come, take a picture with Jesus.. 

 Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\BETTI SIDI-Rain\Bettie-dm10.jpg Rare laughing picture of Bettie, Happy !

Two days later…

OK, Pauline, Cindy, Mary and all you good people,


While my shoes are still damp today,

I just realized that my watch is very misty with all the water droplets inside it!


Worried about the  INEVITABLE  COLLAPSE  of the shaky hut of Bettie,

(due to the beam broken by our visit on Sunday)

I went to the hut again just now with my man.

We will make good the damage.


Bettie was not at home, probably walked to SG APONG to collect her lunch packs from SKUP.

Anyway I peeped through the window and saw the Picture of our Master (thanks to Mary Dau)

– the Divine Mercy Picture was nicely hung on the wall, so I took a photo.


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\SONY-BettieSidiSMALL\BettieSidi-DM5.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: H:\~seraphim (PURE Web)\divinemercy\neighbour\WOM BettieSIDI\BETTIE-Pix 200311\SONY-BettieSidiSMALL\Bettie-BeamBroken.jpg

The other picture shows the broken beam,

I think they temporarily nailed the vertical pole which is of not much use.

We will repair it properly.


I met Fr Chin this morning, he was happy that we made the visit.

He had been to the area and blessed some of the houses there before.







>Bettie Sidi

and THE VISIT…The Rain…The Picture…The Kids…The Hymns…The Beam

>Am I A Neighbour