Am I A Neighbour

MHII 290611


Pharaoh's daughter saved baby Moses     (she was sorry for him)

EXODUS Chapter 2


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The birth of Moses

2:1 There was a man of the tribe of Levi who had taken a woman of Levi as his wife.

2:2 She conceived and gave birth to a son and, seeing what a fine child he was, she kept him hidden for three months.

2:3 When she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him; coating it with bitumen and pitch, she put the child inside and laid it among the reeds at the river's edge.

2:4 His sister stood some distance away to see what would happen to him.

2:5 Now Pharaoh's daughter went down to bathe in the river, and the girls attending her were walking along by the riverside. Among the reeds she noticed the basket, and she sent her maid to fetch it.

2:6 She opened it and looked, and saw a baby boy, crying; and she was sorry for him. 'This is a child of one of the Hebrews' she said.

2:7 Then the child's sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, 'Shall I go and find you a nurse among the Hebrew women to suckle the child for you?'

2:8 'Yes, go' Pharaoh's daughter said to her; and the girl went off to find the baby's own mother.


Am I A Neighbour