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MHII 300612

Tribunal of Mercy

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Sandy Leong

Thursday 28/6/12 at 11:36

[ CONFESSIONAL ~ By Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina ]

"A good scrubbing is what you need, but you have to have the will to be clean. "
"Don't get discourage for the enormous debt contracted with the divine justice."
"The past doesn't count for the lord anymore. What counts is the present, and the willingness to repair."
"Jesus belongs to everybody, but especially to the sinners."
"God runs after the most stubborn souls. They cost Him too much to abandon them."
"It is a tremendous responsibility to sit in the tribunal of the confessional."
After a day of confessions: "Oh the souls! if you knew how much they cost!"
"The sight of so many souls who wish to justify their evil ways pains me, exhausts my brain, and tears at my heart."
"Before reproaching a soul, I suffer it first. But it is not I who act, but He who is in me and above me."
"Sin to confession to sin without repentance is a deception of conscience; in essence a sacrilege."
"Confession is the purification of the soul."
"Confession should be made no later than every eight days."
"Do not dwell on sins that have been already confessed. Jesus has forgiven them."
"Place a tombstone on the confessed sins, just as the Lord has done."
"I want to help Jesus in the tremendous task of man's salvation".
"The mercy of God, my son, is infinitely greater than your malice".
"You have confessed and God forgave you. There is a stone over it and should never be removed."
"I suffer greatly when I have to deny absolution. But it is better to be reprimanded by a man on this earth than by God in the next world".
"I refuse absolutions for certain sins, when one goes from confession to sin, and from sin to confession. That soul needs to place itself on the right road."
"Jesus has consumed your sins with the fire of his love."
"Jesus has forgiven your sins. The enemy will try to convince you of the contrary to give you discomfort and desperation."


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Jannie Norochin Are all of our sins—past, present, and future—forgiven once and for all when we become Christians? Not according to the Bible or the early Church Fathers. Scripture nowhere states that our future sins are forgiven; instead, it teaches us to pray, "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" (Matt. 6:12).
The means by which God forgives sins after baptism is confession: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). Minor or venial sins can be confessed directly to God, but for grave or mortal sins, which crush the spiritual life out of the soul, God has instituted a different means for obtaining forgiveness— the sacrament known popularly as confession, penance, or reconciliation.

Sandy Leong And also by attending Holy Mass....i mean obtaining forgiveness for venial sins.

Pauline Siong The repetition of sins, even of venial sins, can lead to the growth of vice. - 275 The Faith of the Catholic Church (Answering your questions about faith.)




Michael fb

30 June 2012


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