St Peter’s Church, Padungan, Kuching, in the Archdiocese of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

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Fr Henri Nouwen

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Faith Nyet Joong Au

23 June 2012 at 08:12

Words That Become Flesh

Words are important. Without them our actions lose meaning. And without meaning we cannot live. Words can offer perspective, insight, understanding, and vision. Words can bring consolation, comfort, encouragement and hope. Words can take away fear, isolation, shame, and guilt. Words can reconcile, unite, forgive, and heal. Words can bring peace and joy, inner freedom and deep gratitude. Words, in short, can carry love on their wings. A word of love can be the greatest act of love. That is because when our words become flesh in our own lives and the lives of others, we can change the world.

Jesus is the word made flesh. In him speaking and acting were one.

Henri Nouwen



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29 June 2012


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