St Peter’s Church, Padungan, Kuching, in the Archdiocese of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

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Fr Henri Nouwen

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Faith Nyet Joong Au

15 June 2012 at 20:58


Choosing Love

How can someone ever trust in the existence of an unconditional divine love when most, if not all, of what he or she has experienced is the opposite of love - fear, hatred, violence, and abuse?

They are not condemned to be victims! There remains within them, hidden as it may seem, the possibility to choose love. Many people who have suffered the most horrendous rejections and been subject to the most cruel torture are able to choose love. By choosing love they become witnesses not only to enormous human resiliency but also to the divine love that transcends all human loves. Those who choose, even on a small scale, to love in the midst of hatred and fear are the people who offer true hope to our world.
Henri Nouwen



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29 June 2012


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