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Tuesday 3 July 2012 31 seconds ago

Writing Petitions to the Divine Mercy

Saturday 30 June after 3pm DMD I was sharing with Mabel Lau on writing Petitions to the Divine Mercy…

Many people who come to DMD are new and wondered how to write the Petitions. They asked, we helped them.


Here are some tips on writing Petitions to the Divine Mercy, from our personal experiences and encounters with the Merciful Lord:


POUR OUT YOUR HEART to Jesus who is all Merciful and wanting to Touch you and Comfort you.

Write in details your situations (or situation of your loved ones, or your friends’ conditions, whoever that we are praying for…)

Tell Jesus how much you love Him,

Thank Jesus for all the Blessings you have received from Him, all the good things happened to you…

Tell Jesus that you TRUST in Him completely

Tell Jesus you BELIEVE in His Divine Mercy

Beseech Jesus for His Unfathomable Mercy, Plead for a Miracle…


WIDEN YOUR PETITIONS to include other people in similar situations

For example if you are praying for healing from cancer, ask Jesus to heal other people with Cancer too.

If you are praying for babies, happy marriages, better relationships, finding a life partner etc, ask Jesus to remember those with the same intentions too.


STORM HEAVEN’S DOOR with Fervent and Unceasing Prayers

Keep coming back to the 3pm DMD (or pray anywhere, especially at the Hour of Mercy, the Three O’clock Hour)

Keep writing the Petitions,

Update Jesus on the Progress,

Tell your friends to pray and write Petitions for you,

Continuously pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary, throughout the day.


THY WILL BE DONE will be a good prayer before you sign off and drop the Petitions.

Remember Jesus was obedient to His Father until the end, even to accept His terrible Death.

Obedience is a great power to draw the Mercy of God.



Remember the Petitions Form has two sides!

Turnover and fill up the page with your rumbling.


Remember your Prayers and Petitions are always answered….

a)     Immediately or soon, as per your request. Thank God that your will = THY WILL.

b)     Not as quickly as you wanted. Thank God for giving you Patience and a chance to practice Perseverance.

c)     Not at all what you prayed for. Thank God that HE has Something Better for you.






3 July 2012






Michael fb

3 July 2012


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