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MHII 010712


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Michael Hii

16 June 2012 at 03:30

Panda x 2



Description: Michael Hii Actually Malaysia does not have to borrow two PANDA from China... here at DMA we already have two PANDA LOOKING people ~ Pauline Siong and yours truly since we are always "awaken" from our sleep at 3 am to pray for people, people in need, special people...

Description: Audrey Yu Hahaha! The panda's so cute! Special thanks to the prayer warriors, I'll keep you all in my prayers too. Spiritual matters aside, Malaysia seriously doesn't need the two Pandas. It's a waste of money.

Pauline Siong hahaha Audrey Yu, thank you and pray hard for the "unwanted" in the world.

Pauline Siong Michael Hii, this afternoon I phoned and awoke my sis in Canada and after talking for some time, she said it was 3 am. and she needed to hang up and pray the Divine Mercy. hehehe I did not do it intentionally. Lost track of time difference when I phoned. God bless her.

Description: David J H Chin hooray....... we've got a canadian's panda as well! hahahaha.

Description: Michael Hii Wow, looks like quite a few people are awaken at three in the morning to pray the DIVINE MERCY prayers... while 3pm is the "HOUR OF GREAT MERCY", 3am is the hour of resurrection. Sr Adriana Tiong, SSFS shared that she used to be awaken at three in the morning to pray too.

Pauline Siong There are many called to pray during the hour of resurrection, Michael Hii. David JH Chin is one of the futuristic one or maybe already.

Pauline Siong Sr. Adriana Tiong has a lot of experiences and witnesses a lot when she gives Holy Communion to the sick who will say that Truly, our Lord is present in the Holy Eucharist. May God continue to shower His blessings on Sr. Adriana Tiong as she brings Jesus present in the Sacred Host to those who are sick.

Description: Maria Hii I would like you guys to pray for my two nephews namely Michael Hii, aged 10 and Anthony Hii, aged 8 because they are a bit abnormal, at this age still cannot talk and unable to go to school. TQVM.

Description: Michael Hii Pauline Siong, please drop the petitions into the box tomorrow, we will pray for MICHAEL HII & ANTHONY HII... if we pray hard enough, miracles will happen.

Description: Maria Hii Amen.

Pauline Siong OK. Have also included them in my personal prayers already.

Description: Audrey Yu I've got difficulty waking up as early as 3am, but I'll remember all the prayer warriors in early morning mass.

Description: Michael Hii Years ago I used to go to morning mass at Carmelite, before mass they say the Angelus at arojnd 5.50 am ... one problem is parking at Carmelite.

Description: Audrey Yu I love the Angelus, but am yet to learn it by heart. You have to be there at least 10 mins before Mass, otherwise no more parking space. I usually reach there by 5.40am.

Pauline Siong Audrey Yu, thank you for your spiritual support which we really need. Please offer up Michael and Anthony Hii too. The Mass is known to be the highest form of prayer. You are so blessed to be able to go to the early morning mass. GBU.





Michael fb

1 July 2012


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