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Monday 2 July 2012 13 seconds ago

DMA and Gawai Month

Dear People,

DMA and GAWAI seem inseparable 2.0...

On Wed 30 May I posted a reflection on Gawai and DMA, they seemed inseparable  (30 May 2012 at 18:33)…


In deed Our Lord has a special liking on the Gawai Month (June) as I think HE has chosen Sarawak as HIS launch pad to spread the honour of Divine Mercy in this part of the world… In Europe, DM has Poland, in UK DM has Ireland, in the new found land DM has the USA, in Philippines DM has Brother Stanley… here in Malaysia? DM has St Peter’s Church, Kuching!


On the Eve of Gawai this year, our Lord appointed our member Elizabeth Kueh the Project Leader to produce our very own DVD to promote DIVINE MERCY, she is working on it.


On Friday 1st June, Cindy Lieu (affectionately called Mama Cindy) and Sr Jane Koh, FMM of Assumption Church, PJ came to Kuching to give a Special Seminar to St Peter's FFC Faith Formators, DMA people and friends on Sat 2nd June... our 3pm DMD was incorporated as part of the Seminar, all the participants joined us for the DMD! Sr Jane was much impressed and touched by our fervent and unceasing prayers… Jesus introduced Mama Cindy to me at the very beginning of DMA, she helps spread the message of DM in KL and had brought our DM materials to New Zealand, China and USA!

Our Sabah friend Nadine Bernadette Norman of St. Michael’s Church, Penampang informed that their DMA is now ready and functioning, every Thursday night Holy Hour with  DMD.

Our members Vernon and wife Casia have established three DM centres in Tebedu - St Paul Parish (16 Dec 2011), St Simon Parish (18 Feb 2012) and SMK Tebudu (500 Catholic students, April 2012)… We will pay a visit to Tebedu when they are ready. Tebudu is fully supported by us.


Our members Joseph Sanden and wife Catherine are promoting Divine Mercy in Serian, Siburan and Bau areas (18 June 2012 at 19:34). We need to follow up with them to see that DMD takes roots in these areas…


Three more significant/historic events happened during Gawai Month this year, arranged for us by Jesus himself:


On Sunday 3 June 2012, Jesus sent Audrey Yu of Today’s Catholic to me… Audrey asked me to write about Divine Mercy for the readers of Today’s Catholic… Jesus knew that I am no good at writing for a newspaper, so within two weeks HE sent a writer!


On Sunday 17 June 2012, Jesus sent Jean Foong from “nowhere”, she just “appeared” like that, I had never heard of or seen her before, that day she walked into the Church after our 3pm DMD (everybody went home already except Agnes, Moses and myself), came straight towards me, looking/asking for books and information on Divine Mercy … she is the one who christened my car boot “Canteen of Divine Mercy   (18 June 2012 at 19:34) …in the conversations with her, it dawned to me that she IS the one sent by Our Merciful Lord to write about Divine Mercy for Today’s Catholic (Despite her claim that writing was her worse subject in school)… We should expect some articles on Divine Mercy in Today’s Catholic.


So Jesus fixed up the Media publicity of Divine Mercy within two weeks, but that’s not enough, within two weeks He sent me an Artist…


On Saturday 30 June 2012, Jesus sent me to meet up with an Artist (who is deaf) to commission her to draw a series of paintings (oil) to depict Devotion of Divine Mercy in the local Scene – St Peter’s DMD, Sarawak’s settings, etc… This was because we paid SSD a visit on Sunday 24 June and Terrence Ee mentioned they have a member who is an Artist. (en route to visit the 26 poor families: I look forward to tomorrow 11 April at 08:29. This is ALIN and family 26 June at 06:02. Yes, we are hearing you 24 June at 10:42). After thinking for two days, I knew that she is the instrument chosen by Jesus to help spread the honour of Divine Mercy, so I made an appointment to meet her…


For the first time in my life, I “talked” and “discussed” my ideas with someone who CANNOT HEAR ME…

For one whole hour, through two interpreters, I communicated with her, I hope she understood what I said and have an idea of my ideas!!!


Will you pray about it?

Will you help Jesus to spread the honour of His Mercy?



Michael Hii
Mon 2 July 2012



Description: Description: Dau William Halleluya! Praise the Holy Trinity! Thank you Father God. Thank Lord Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit!   






Michael fb

2 July 2012


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