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MHII 010712
12 June 2012 at 12:22
David J H Chin Sandy Leong, this one specially for u.
Sandy Leong Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Brother David, you really had me laughed so hard ! He! He! He! Thank you so much Brother David.
Michael Hii We need a little humour sometimes
Sandy Leong I have saved it to my computer file. For i cherished this gift from my brother in Christ(you). God bless you and your whole family. Amen.
Michael Hii Happy are people who have a good sense of humour...
Mary Chok Sandy, David is speaking to U thru the expression of his cute puppy...
Sandy Leong He! He! He! I know it after i think of the post which i quoted from Mother Theresa's words.
Sandy Leong But i would like to treated it as a gift from him.
Mary Chok Its a very special gift...
David J H Chin Michael Hii to add on........ happy & blessed! am always thankful to GOD for his blessings. amen.
Michael Hii David J H Chin, every time i look at the picture, I think of YOU!!! hahaha :)
Jannie Norochin Michael Hii you make me laugh!!!GBU
Michael Hii hehehe!! i think Sandy Leong also think of David J H Chin every time she looks at the picture too, which is a "gift"
Sandy Leong LOL! LOL! Brother Michael Hii, how do you know ? So clever !
Michael fb
1 July 2012
Divine Mercy Page
DivineMercyApostolate fb .. Diary >>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE