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MHII 290612
18 June 2012 at 19:34
Sunday 17 June 2012 was a marvelous day for DMA…
After morning Mass by Fr Stephen Lim at St Peter’s, this man approached me at the front porch of the Church, he looked familiar, he and his wife and children first appeared at DMD during our last Divine Mercy Novena (6-14 April 2012), and thanks to our new Agong, whose installation was declared a National Holiday, so we took the opportunity to have a Fellowship after the DMD on Wednesday 11 April. During the Fellowship, we met a lot of people. This couple were very keen to promote Divine Mercy in Serian, Siburan and Bau areas, so they took a lot of our DM material to do the job. After the Divine Mercy Sunday on 15 April, he and his wife “disappeared” for two months until today! They wanted some more Jesus Name Cards and “WILL YOU HELP ME ?” leaflets, so I said FOLLOW ME! My car’s boot is full of Divine Mercy books, leaflets and Jesus Name Cards, I call it a Boot of Divine Mercy. After Joseph Sanden and wife Catherine took what they needed, we took a photo with the “Boot of Divine Mercy”. That’s that.
Two something in the afternoon I went to St Peter’s for the 3pm DMD, despite many of our members were attending the Faith Seminar and therefore unable to join in the DMD, there were still about twenty people present, among them was one who told me later ….. "I was battling with the devil at 3 pm, whether to go for Divine Mercy prayer or not. Thank God I went, I felt much better after lifting up everything to God" … my friends, this is POWERFUL testimony! Very often we battle with the devil whether to PRAY or not? …. And often we LOST!
After DMD, instead of going home right away, I spent a bit of time to tidy our DMA “pigeon holes” in the Church, suddenly one lady appeared in the Church, asking specifically for the yellow STANLEY BOOK. Hmm… our leaders had just locked away the books in the Parish Centre, if she wanted, she could FOLLOW ME to my car, I had some in the boot. She followed me, when I opened the boot and took the books out from the boot, she exclaimed “this is a CANTEEN of DIVINE MERCY!“ Oh why? Why “Canteen”? Because Canteen is a place where people gather to get food… this is a place where people get Spiritual Food of Divine Mercy. OK, OK from now on I will call my car boot CANTEEN OF DIVINE MERCY! After that we talked for more than one hour on Divine Mercy, why and how we started the daily 3pm DMD at St Peter’s. Oh ya, she is the second person in two weeks asking me to write to Today’s Catholic Newspaper… Very sorrylah I don’t know how to write for a newspaper, why don’t you write? I can be interviewed by you, I talk, you write… she said she will think about it. O Lord, send someone who can write for Today’s Catholic about your Divine Mercy so that many more people will know and honour your mercy.
Sandy Leong What a beautiful sharings....
Michael fb
29 June 2012
Divine Mercy Page
DivineMercyApostolate fb .. Diary >>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE