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MHII 010712
29 May 2012 at 03:53 via Mobile
Mary Chok, Faith Nyet Joong Au, Hilda A. Voon and 4 others like this.
Michael Hii Not many people wakes up at three in the morning, if you do and are urged to pray for someone, do pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for that special someone...
Michael Hii Even though i am not a DOCTOR, i am ON CALL every night, if there are calls, it will be at 3 o'clock in the morning, and I will say the DM Chaplet for that someone who needs it... and, if i am called every morning at 3, i will look like a PANDA soon :)
Pauline Siong :) my calls are not as frequent as yours. You are called to do more.
Michael Hii We are in same kind of boat Pauline Siong, long boat, short boat :)
David J H Chin michael, mine is submarine! always underwater........ ☺
Michael Hii Ah David J H Chin, you are what we call SUBMARINE CATHOLIC - you only EMERGE when necessary, hahaha.
Maryleflyna Dau William Panda look cute lah! Haleluya!
Sandy Leong You all here... beautiful souls are so funny !!!
Jannie Norochin The choosen one. . .GBU
Michael Hii mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful PANDA in DMA ?? :-)
Pauline Siong As long as Jesus is in the boat, Michael Hii
Michael Hii Sure, Jesus is in the BOAT, including David's Submarine!!!
Pauline Siong Michael, I use two slices of cool, round cucumber to soothe my tired eyes now and then. So can only see 2 pieces of cucumber instead of my eyes - cucumber eyes? So no panda here. Unless there are other pandas who are in hiding, you qualify for the title.
Pauline Siong David has the submarine and Jesus to protect him. Double protection. What type of boat is yours Michael?
Audrey Olivia so good... wish i can get up willingly at 3 am daily to devote myself in the the DM chaplet I'm getting less free 3pm...
Michael Hii Pauline, mine is a simple sampan, but can be very powerful as it is powered by the Holy Spirit!
Michael Hii Olivia, when the merciful Lord wakes you at three in the morning to pray for someone, you will.
Jannie Norochin And that peace, the silence in morning prayer you really do feel the presence of the Holy Spirit . . .I've been doing these since I've been called to God. . . I mean during the suffering time of my life . . .the inner voice keep whispering me, wake up it's time to pray and I know it's the Divine Mercy prayer because it's 3 a.m. in the morning . . .It's so powerful because people giving me thanks for my prayer. . .GBU
Maryleflyna Dau William The last time I woke up at 3 am was on the morning that Sr Alice passed away. Somehow i just opened my eyes and I looked at the clock and it was 3am. 2 persons came to mind and they were my friend Betty (OKU) who was at the hospital and Sr Alice. I just prayed the 3 0' Clock prayer and back to sleep again. FYI Betty is now at home still having tube feeding. Very challenging life.
Pauline Siong Anyone needing prayers this 3 a.m. Good morning.
Michael Hii Yes
Pauline Siong God loves you Michael.
Michael Hii Tks Pauline, We need The extra prayers for a calling that is Ten years old!
Pauline Siong TQ Lord for the call(s) to pray.
Michael Hii I dont mind to look like a PANDA getting up at three in the morning praying fervently for some special intentions... we need more Panda looking DMA people in St Peter's Church, any volunteers??
Pauline Siong Apostolate of Prayer - "Why does He deign to say: "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that He send forth labourers"? It is because the delicacy of His love for us surpasses all understanding, that He wishes us to share in all He does. The Creator of the universe awaits the prayer of a poor little soul to save a multitude of other souls, ransomed, like her, at the price of His blood. Our vocation is not to go forth and reap in our Father's fields. Jesus does not say to us: "Look down and reap the harvest." Our mission is even more sublime. "Lift up your eyes and see," He tells us, "see how in Heaven there are empty thrones. It is for you to fill them....You are as Moses praying on the mountain so ask Me for labourers and they shall be sent. I only await a prayer, a sigh!" Is not the apostolate of prayer - so to speak - higher than that of the spoken word? It is for us by prayer to train workers who will spread the glad tidings of the Gospel and who will save countless souls - the souls to whom we shall be the spiritual mothers. What then, have we to envy in the priests of the Lord?" - St. Teresa of Lisieux
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1 July 2012
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