Mercy in my Soul PDF File
Notebook I 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-521
Notebook II 522-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000
Notebook III 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1230
Notebook V
1322-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1589
Notebook VI 1590-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1803
Preparation for Holy Communion 1804-1828
Diary Divine Mercy in My Soul ( V: 1322 1400) |
Notebook 5 |
1322 |
+ |
1323 |
O my God, I love You. |
1324 |
+ I bow down before You, O Bread of Angels, |
1325 |
O my God, let everything that is in me praise You,
my Lord and Creator; and with every beat of my heart I want to praise Your
unfathomable mercy. I want to tell souls of Your goodness and encourage them
to trust in Your mercy. That is my mission, which You yourself have entrusted
to me, O Lord, in this life and in the life to come. |
1326 |
We are beginning an eight-day retreat today [215] Jesus, my
Master, help me to make these holy retreat exercises with the greatest fervor
possible. May Your Spirit guide me, O God, into the most profound depths of
knowledge of Yourself, and of my own self as well.
For I shall love You only as much as I shall come to know You. And I shall
despise myself only as much as I shall come to know my misery. I know, Lord,
that You will not refuse me Your help. I desire to come out of this retreat a
saint, even though human eyes will not notice this, not
even those of the superiors. I abandon myself entirely to the action
of Your grace. Let Your will be accomplished entirely in me, O Lord. |
1327 |
First day. Jesus: My daughter, this
retreat will be an uninterrupted contemplation. I will bring you into this
retreat as into a spiritual banquet. Close to My merciful Heart, you will
meditate upon all the graces your heart has received, and a deep peace will
accompany your soul. I want the eyes of your soul to be always fixed on My
holy will, since it is in this way that you will please Me most. No
sacrifices can be compared to this. Throughout all the exercises you will
remain close to My Heart. You shall not undertake any reforms, because I will
dispose of your whole life as I see fit. The priest who will preach the
retreat will not speak a single word which will trouble you. |
1328 |
My Jesus, I have already made two meditations, and
I recognize, through them, that everything You have said is true. I am
experiencing a profound peace, and this peace flows from the witness of my
conscience; that is to say, that I am always doing Your will, O Lord. |
1329 |
In the meditation on the goal of man, I understood
that this truth is deeply rooted in my soul, and that my deeds are therefore
the more perfect. I know why I was created. All creatures taken together
cannot take the place, for me, of my Creator. I know that God is my ultimate
goal and so, in whatever I undertake, I take God into account. |
1330 |
+ Oh, how good it is to spend a retreat close to
the most sweet heart of my God. I am in the
wilderness with my Beloved. No one interrupts my sweet conversation with Him.
1331 |
Jesus, You yourself have deigned to lay the
foundations of my sanctity, as my cooperation has not amounted to much. You
have taught me to set no store on the use and choice of created things,
because my heart is, of itself, so weak. And this is why I have asked You, O
my Master, to take no heed of the pain of my heart, but to cut l away
whatever might hold me back from the path of love. I did not understand You,
Lord, in times of sorrow, when You were effecting
Your work in my soul; but today I understand You and rejoice in my freedom of
spirit. Jesus himself has seen to it that my heart has not been caught in the
snares of any passion. I have come to know well from what dangers He has
delivered me, and therefore my gratitude to my God knows
no bounds. |
1332 |
Second day. As I was meditating on the sin of the
Angels and their immediate punishment, I asked Jesus why the Angels had been
punished as soon as they had sinned. I heard a voice: Because of their
profound knowledge of God. No person on earth, even though a great saint, has
such knowledge of God as an Angel has. Nevertheless, to me who am
so miserable, You have shown Your mercy, O God, and this, time and time
again. You carry me in the bosom of Your mercy and forgive me every time that
I ask Your forgiveness with a contrite heart. |
1333 |
Profound silence engulfs my soul. Not a single
cloud hides the sun from me. I lay myself entirely open to its rays, that His
love may effect a complete transformation in me. I want to come out of this
retreat a saint, and this, in spite of everything; that is to say, in spite
of my wretchedness, I want to become a saint, and I trust that God's mercy
can make a saint even out of such misery as I am, because I am utterly in
good will. In spite of all my defeats, I want to go on fighting like a holy
soul and to comport myself like a holy soul. I will not be discouraged by
anything, just as nothing can discourage a soul who is holy. I want to live
and die like a holy soul, with my eyes fixed on You, Jesus, stretched out on
the Cross, as the model for my actions. I used to look around me for examples
and found nothing which sufficed, and I noticed that my state of holiness
seemed to falter. But from now on, my eyes are fixed on You, 0 Christ, who
are for me the best of guides. I am confident that You will bless my efforts.
1334 |
+ In the meditation on sin, the Lord gave me to
know all the malice of sin and the ingratitude that is contained in it. I
feel within my soul a great aversion for even the smallest sin. However, the
eternal truths I have been meditating on do not bring even a shadow of
disturbance or unrest into my soul. And although I take them very much to
heart, my contemplation is not thereby interrupted. In this contemplation, it
is not transports of the heart that I experience, but a depth of peace and a
wonderful silence. Although my love is great, I experience an extraordinary
equilibrium. Even receiving the Eucharist causes no feeling, but brings me to
a depth of union where my love and God's love are fused together as one. |
1335 |
+ Jesus has made known to me that I should pray
for the sisters who are making the retreat. During prayer, I learned of the
struggle that some are undergoing, and I redoubled my prayers. |
1336 |
+ In this profound silence, I am better able to
judge the condition of my soul. My soul is like clear water in which I can
see everything: both my misery and the vastness of God's graces. And owing to
this true knowledge of itself, my spirit is strengthened in deep humility. I
expose my heart to the action of Your grace like a crystal exposed to the
rays of the sun. May Your image be reflected in it, O my God, to the extent
that it is possible to be reflected in the heart of a creature.
Let Your divinity radiate through me, O You who dwell in my soul. |
1337 |
As I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament and
greeting the five wounds of Jesus, at each salutation I felt a torrent of
graces gushing into my soul, giving me a foretaste of heaven and absolute
confidence in God's mercy. |
1338 |
As I write these words, I hear the cry of Satan:
"She's 'writing everything, she's writing everything, and because of
this we are losing so much! Do not write about the goodness of God; He is
just!" And howling with fury, he vanished. |
1339 |
O merciful God, You do not despise us, but lavish
Your graces on us continuously. You make us fit to enter ` Your kingdom, and
in Your goodness You grant that human beings may fill the places vacated by
the ungrateful angels. O God of great mercy, who turned Your sacred gaze away
from the rebellious angels and turned it upon contrite man, praise and glory be to Your unfathomable mercy, O God who do not
despise the lowly heart. |
1340 |
My Jesus, despite these graces which You send upon
me, I feel that my nature, ennobled thought it be,
is not completely stilled; and so I keep a constant watch. I must struggle
with many faults, knowing well that it is not the struggle which debases one,
but cowardice and failure. |
1341 |
When one's health is poor, there is much one has
to bear. For when one is ill, but not in bed, one is not considered to be
ill. For many reasons, therefore, there are constant occasions for
sacrifices, and sometimes big ones. I understand now that only in eternity
will many things be revealed. But I also understand that if God demands a
sacrifice, He does not withhold His grace, but gives it to the soul in
abundance. |
1342 |
My Jesus, let my sacrifice burn before Your throne
in all silence, but with the full force of love, as I beg You to have mercy
on souls. |
1343 |
Third day. In the meditation on death, I prepared
myself as if for real death. I examined my conscience and searched all my
affairs at the approach of death and, thanks be to
grace, my affairs were directed toward that ultimate goal. This filled my
heart with great gratitude to God, and I resolved to serve my God even more
faithfully in the future. One thing alone is necessary: to put my old self to
death and to begin a new life. In the morning, I prepared to receive Holy
Communion as if it were to be the last in my life, and after Holy Communion I
brought before my imagination my actual death, and I said the prayers for the
dying and then the De Profundis for my own soul. My
body was lowered into the grave, and I said to my soul, "See what has
become of your body, a heap of dirt teeming with vermin-that is your
inheritance." |
1344 |
O merciful God, who still allow
me to live, give me strength that I may live a new life, the life of the
spirit, over which death has no dominion. And with that, my heart was
renewed, and I began a new life while still here on earth, a life of love of
God. Nevertheless, I do not forget that I am weakness itself, though I do not
doubt even for a moment that I will obtain the help of Your grace, O God. |
1345 |
+ Fourth day. O Jesus, I have been feeling
extraordinarily well, close to Your Heart, during this retreat. Nothing
disturbs the depths of my peace. With one eye, I gaze on the abyss of my
misery and with the other, on the abyss of Your mercy. |
1346 |
During Holy Mass, which was celebrated by Father
Andrasz, I saw the Infant Jesus who, with hands outstretched toward us, was
sitting in the chalice being used at Holy Mass. After gazing at me
penetratingly, He spoke these words: As you see Me in this chalice, so I
dwell in your heart. |
1347 |
+ Holy Confession. After giving an account of my
conscience, I was given the permissions I asked for: to wear the bracelet for
half an hour every day during Holy Mass, and in times of difficulty, to wear
the belt for two hours. [Father said,] "Sister, persevere in this great
faithfulness to the Lord Jesus." |
1348 |
Fifth day. When I entered the chapel this morning,
I learned that Mother Superior had had some trouble on my account. This hurt
me very much. After Holy Communion, I leaned my head on the Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus and said, "O my Lord, I beg You, let all the consolation that I
am experiencing through Your presence in my heart be poured out into the soul
of my dear Mother Superior, who has had some trouble because of me, and this
involuntarily on my part." |
1349 |
Jesus comforted me, saying that both our souls had
benefited from this. But I begged the Lord to deign to spare me from being
the occasion of anyone's suffering, as my heart could not bear this. |
1350 |
O white Host, You preserve my soul in whiteness; I
fear the day when I might forsake You. You are the Bread of Angels, and thus
also the Bread of Virgins. |
1351 |
Jesus, my most perfect model, with my eyes fixed
on You, I will go through life in Your footsteps, adapting nature to grace,
according to Your most holy will and Your light
which illumines my soul, trusting completely in Your help. |
1352 |
Chart of inner control [216] |
1353 |
1354 |
When I hesitate on how to act in some situations,
I always ask love. It advises best. |
1355 |
1356 |
Sixth day. O my God, I am ready to accept Your
will in every detail, whatever it may be. However You may direct me, I will
bless You. Whatever You ask of me I will do with the help of Your grace.
Whatever Your holy will regarding me might be, I
accept it with my whole heart and soul, taking no account of what my corrupt
nature tells me. |
1357 |
Once, when I was passing by a group of people, I
asked the Lord if they were all in the state of grace, because I did not feel
His sufferings.
Because you do not feel My sufferings, it does not follow that they must all
be in the state of grace. At times, I allow you to be aware of the condition
of certain souls, and I give you the grace of suffering solely because I use
you as the instrument of their conversion. |
1358 |
Where there is genuine virtue, there must be
sacrifice as well; one's whole life must be a sacrifice. It is only by means
of sacrifice that souls can become useful. It is my self-sacrifice which, in
my relationship with my neighbor, can give glory to God, but God's love must
flow through this sacrifice, because everything is concentrated in this love
and takes its value from it. |
1359 |
Bear in mind that
when you come out of this retreat, I shall be dealing with you as with a
perfect soul. I want to hold you in My hand as a pliant tool, perfectly
adapted to the completion of My works. |
1360 |
O Lord, You who penetrate my whole being and the
most secret depths of my soul, You see that I desire You alone and long only
for the fulfillment of Your holy will, paying no heed to difficulties or
sufferings or humiliations or to what others might think. |
1361 |
This firm resolution
to become a saint is extremely pleasing to Me. I bless your efforts and will
give you opportunities to sanctify yourself. Be watchful that you lose no
opportunity that My providence offers you for sanctification. If you do not
succeed in taking advantage of an opportunity, do not lose your peace, but
humble yourself profoundly before Me and, with great trust, immerse yourself
completely in My mercy. In this way, you gain more than you have lost,
because more favor is granted to a humble soul than the soul itself asks
1362 |
+ Seventh day. I have come to a knowledge of my
destiny; that is, an inward certainty that I will attain sanctity. This deep
conviction has filled my soul with gratitude to God, and I have given back
all the glory to God, because I know very well what I am of myself. |
1363 |
I am coming out of this retreat thoroughly
transformed by God's love. My soul is beginning a new life, earnestly and
courageously; although outwardly my life will not change, and no one will
notice it, nevertheless, pure love is [now] the guide of my life and,
externally, it is mercy which is its fruit. I feel that I have been totally
imbued with God and, with this God, I am going back
to my everyday life, so drab, tiresome and wearying, trusting that He whom I
feel in my heart will change this drabness into my personal sanctity. |
1364 |
Now I can be wholly useful to the Church by my
personal sanctity, which throbs with life in the whole Church, for we all
make up one organism in Jesus. That is why I endeavor to make the soil of my
heart bear good fruit. Although the human eye may perhaps never see it, there
will nevertheless come a day when it will become apparent that many souls
have been fed and will continue to be fed with this fruit. |
1365 |
O Eternal Love, who enkindle a new life within me,
a life of love and of mercy, support me with Your grace, so that I may
worthily answer Your call, so that what You yourself have intended to
accomplish in souls through me, might indeed be accomplished. |
1366 |
O my Lord, although so many things occupy me,
although I have this work at heart, although I desire the triumph of the
Church and the salvation of souls, although all the persecutions of Your
faithful ones affect me, although the fall of each soul is painful to me,
yet, above and beyond all this, I still have a profound peace in my soul
which neither triumphs nor desires nor adversities can disturb because, for
me, You are above all dispensations, my Lord and my God. |
1367 |
Eighth day. O my Lord, while calling to mind all
Your blessings, in the presence of Your Most Sacred Heart, I have felt the
need to be particularly grateful for so many graces and blessings from God. I
want to plunge myself in thanksgiving before the Majesty of God and to
continue in this prayer of thanksgiving for seven days and seven nights; and
although I will outwardly carry out all my duties, my spirit will nonetheless
stand continually before the Lord, and all my exercises will be imbued with
the spirit of thanksgiving. Each evening, I will kneel for a half hour in my
cell, alone with the Lord. As often as I shall awake at night, I shall steep
myself in a prayer of thanksgiving. In this way I want to repay, at least in
some small way, for the immensity of God's blessings. |
1368 |
However, in order to make all this more pleasing
in the eyes of God and to remove the least shadow of doubt from my mind, I
went to my spiritual director [Father Andrasz] and revealed these desires of
my soul to him; that is to say, the desire to be steeped in such
thanksgiving. I received permission for everything, except that I should not
force myself to pray at night should I awaken. |
1369 |
With what great joy I returned to the convent! And
on ; the next day I began this great act of
thanksgiving by renewing my vows. My soul became thoroughly immersed in God,
and there issued from my whole being but one single flame of gratitude and
thanksgiving to God. There were not many words, because God's blessings, like
a fierce fire, consumed my soul, and all sufferings and sorrows were like
wood thrown into the ' flames, without which the fire would go out. I called
upon all heaven and earth to join me in my act of ' thanksgiving. |
1370 |
The retreat has come to an end, those beautiful
days of communing alone with the Lord Jesus. I made this retreat in the way
Jesus wanted me to make it, and as He had told me to on the first day of the
retreat; that is, in the deepest peace, I meditated on God's blessings. I
have never made a retreat like this before. My soul was more ' profoundly
strengthened by this peace than it would have been by any tremors or
emotions. In the rays of love, I saw everything as it really is. |
1371 |
O Lord, deify my actions so that they will merit
eternity; although my weakness is great, I trust in the power of Your grace,
which will sustain me. |
1372 |
My Jesus, You know that from my earliest years I
have wanted to become a great saint; that is to say, I have wanted to love
You with a love so great that there would be no soul who has hitherto loved
You so. At first these desires of mine were kept secret,
and only Jesus knew of them. But today I cannot contain them within my heart;
I would like to cry out to the whole world, "Love God, because He is
good and great is His mercy!" |
1373 |
O humdrum days, filled with darkness, I look upon
you with a solemn and festive eye. How great and solemn is the time that
gives us the chance to gather merits for eternal heaven! I understand how the
saints made use of it. |
1374 |
October 30, 1937. Today, during the religious ceremonies
[217] taking place
during Mass, and the second day of thanksgiving, I saw the Lord Jesus in
great beauty, and He said to me, My daughter, I have not released you
from taking action. I answered, "Lord, my hand is too feeble for such work." Yes, I know; but
joined with My right hand you will accomplish everything. Nevertheless, be
obedient, be obedient to the confessors. I will give them light on how to
direct you. "Lord, I already wanted to begin the work in Your Name, but
Father S. keeps putting it off." Jesus answered me, I know this; so do
just what is within your power, but you must never withdraw your efforts. |
1375 |
November 1, 1937. |
1376 |
The Lord gave me an occasion to practice patience
through a particular person with whom I have to carry out a certain task. She
is slower than anyone I have ever seen. One has to arm oneself with great
patience to listen to her tedious talk. |
1377 |
November 5. This morning, five unemployed men came
to the gate and insisted on being let in. When Sister N. had argued with them
for quite a while and could not make them go away, she then came to the
chapel to find Mother [Irene], who told me to go. When I was still a good way
from the gate I could hear them banging loudly. At first, I was overcome with
doubt and fear, and I did not know whether to open the gate or, like Sister
N., to answer them through the little window. But suddenly I heard a voice in
my soul saying, Go
and open the gate and talk to them as sweetly as you talk to Me. |
1378 |
I felt worse today, and I went to Mother Superior,
intending to ask her for permission to go to bed. However, before I could ask
for permission, Mother Superior said to me, "Sister, you must somehow
manage by yourself at the gate, because I am taking the girl to work at the
cabbage, since there is no one else for the cabbage." I said-good, and
left the room. When I got to the gate, I felt unusually strong, and I was at
my post all day and felt well. I experienced the power of holy obedience. |
1379 |
November 10, [1937]. When Mother [Irene] showed me
the booklet with the chaplet, the litany and the novena, I asked her to let
me look it over. As I was glancing through it, Jesus gave me to know
interiorly: Already
there are many souls who have been drawn to My love by this image. My mercy
acts in souls through this work. I learned that many souls had experienced God's
grace. |
1380 |
I learned that Mother Superior would have quite a
heavy cross to bear, together with physical suffering, but that it would not
last long. [218] |
1381 |
+ It occurred to me to take my medicine, not by
the spoonful, but just a little at a time, because it was expensive.
Instantly, I heard a voice, My daughter, I do not like such conduct. Accept
with gratitude everything I give you through the superiors, and in this way
you will please Me more. |
1382 |
+ When Sister Dominic [219] died at about
one o'clock in the night, she came to me and gave me to know that she was
dead. I prayed fervently for her. In the morning, the sisters told me that
she was no longer alive, and I replied that I knew, because she had visited
me. The sister infirmarian [Sister Chrysostom]
asked me to help dress her. And then when I was alone with her, the Lord gave
me to know that she was still suffering in purgatory. I redoubled my prayers
for her. However, despite the zeal with which I always pray for our deceased
sisters, I got mixed up as regards the days, and instead of offering three
days of prayer, as the rule directs us to do, by mistake I offered only two
days. On the fourth day, she gave me to know that I still owed her prayers,
and that she was in need of them. I immediately formed the intention of
offering the whole day for her, and not just that day but much more, as love
of neighbor dictated to me. |
1383 |
Because Sister Dominic, after her death, gave the
appearance of looking so well, some sisters said that perhaps she was only in
a coma, and one of the sisters suggested to me that we ought to go and put a
mirror to her mouth to see if it would mist, because it would if she were
alive. I said all right, and we did as we said, but the mirror did not mist,
although it seemed to us as if it had. Nevertheless, the Lord gave me to know
how much this had displeased Him, and I was severely admonished never to act
again against my inner convictions. I humbled myself profoundly before the
Lord and asked His pardon. |
1384 |
I see a certain priest [probably Father Sopocko]
whom God loves greatly, but whom Satan hates terribly because he is leading
many souls to a high degree of sanctity and has regard only for God's glory.
But I keep asking God that his patience with those who constantly oppose him
might not run out. Where Satan himself can do no harm, he uses people. |
1385 |
November 19. After Communion today, Jesus told me
how much He desires to come to human hearts. I desire to unite
Myself with human souls; My great delight is to unite Myself with souls.
Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My
hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But
souls do not even pay any attention to Me; they leave Me to Myself and busy
themselves with other things. Oh, how sad I am that souls do not recognize
Love! They treat Me as a dead object. I answered Jesus, "O Treasure of my
heart, the only object of my love and entire delight of my soul, I want to
adore You in my heart as You are adored on the throne of Your eternal glory.
My love wants to make up to You at least in part for the coldness of so great
a number of souls. Jesus, behold my heart which is for You a dwelling place
to which no one else has entry. You alone repose in it as in a beautiful
garden. |
1386 |
O my Jesus, farewell; I must go already to take up
my tasks. But I will prove my love for You with sacrifice, neither neglecting
nor letting any chance for practicing it slip
by." |
1387 |
There are times in life when a soul is in such a
state that it does not seem to understand human speech. Everything tires it,
and nothing but ardent prayer will put it at ease. In fervent prayer the soul
finds relief and, even if it wanted explanations from creatures, these would
only make it more restless. |
1388 |
+ During one time of prayer, I learned how
pleasing to God was the soul of Father Andrasz. He
is a true child of God. It is rare that divine sonship
shines forth so clearly in a soul, and this because
he has a special devotion to the Mother of God. |
1389 |
O my Jesus, although I have such very strong
impulsions, I am to act on them slowly, and this
only in order not to spoil Your work with my haste. O my Jesus, You give me
to know Your mysteries, and You want me to transmit them to other souls. Soon
now it will be possible for me to act. At the moment of apparent absolute
destruction, my mission, now no longer hindered by anything, will begin. Such
is the will of God in this, and it will not change; although many persons
will oppose it, nothing will change God's will. |
1390 |
I see Father Sopocko, how his mind is busily
occupied and working in God's cause in order to present the wishes of God to
the officials of the Church. As a result of his efforts, a new light will
shine in the Church of God for the consolation of souls. Although for the
present his soul is filled with bitterness, as though that were to be the
reward for his efforts in the cause of the Lord, this will not however be the
case. I see his joy, which nothing will diminish. God will grant him some of
this joy already here on earth. I have never before come upon such great
faithfulness to God as distinguishes this soul. |
1391 |
During supper in the refectory today, I felt God's
gaze in the depths of my heart. Such a vivid presence pervaded my soul that,
for a while, I had no idea where I was. The sweet presence of God kept
filling my soul and, at times, I could not understand what the sisters were
saying to me. |
All the good that is in me is due to Holy
Communion. I owe everything to it. I feel that this holy fire has transformed
me completely. Oh, how happy I am to be a dwelling place for You, O Lord! My
heart is a temple in which You dwell continually... |
1393 |
Jesus, delight of my soul, Bread of Angels, |
1394 |
Monthly one-day retreat. In the course of this
retreat, the Lord has given me the light to know His will more profoundly and
to abandon myself completely to the holy will of God. This light has
confirmed me in profound peace, making me understand that I should fear
nothing except sin. Whatever God sends me, I accept with complete submission
to His holy will. Wherever He puts me, I will try faithfully to do His holy
will, as well as His wishes, to the extent of my power to do so, even if the
will of God were to be as hard and difficult for me as was the will of the
Heavenly Father for His Son, as He prayed in the Garden of Olives. I have
come to see that if the will of the Heavenly Father was fulfilled in this way
in His well-beloved Son, it will be fulfilled in us in exactly the same way:
by suffering, persecution, abuse, disgrace. It is through all this that my
soul becomes like unto Jesus. And the greater the sufferings, the more I see
that I am becoming like Jesus. This is the surest way. If some other way were
better, Jesus would have shown it to me. Sufferings in no way take away my
peace. On the other hand, although I enjoy profound peace, that peace does
not lessen my experience of suffering. Although my face is often bowed to the
ground, and my tears flow profusely, at the same time my soul is filled with
profound peace and happiness... |
1395 |
I want to hide myself in Your Most Merciful Heart
as a dewdrop does in a flower blossom. Enclose me in this blossom against the
frost of the world. No one can conceive the happiness which my heart enjoys
in its solitude, alone with God. |
1396 |
Today I heard a voice in my soul: Oh, if sinners knew
My mercy, they would not perish in such great numbers. Tell sinful souls not
to be afraid to approach Me; speak to them of My great mercy. |
1397 |
The Lord said to me, The loss of each soul
plunges Me into mortal sadness. You always console Me when you pray for
sinners. The prayer most pleasing to Me is prayer for the conversion of
sinners. Know, My daughter, that this prayer is always heard and answered. |
1398 |
Advent is approaching. I want to prepare my heart
for the coming of the Lord Jesus by silence and recollection of spirit,
uniting myself with the Most Holy Mother and faithfully imitating Her virtue
of silence, by which She found pleasure in the eyes of God Himself. I trust
that, by Her side, I will persevere in this resolution. |
1399 |
When I entered the chapel for a moment in the
evening, I felt a terrible thorn in my head. This lasted for a short time,
but the pricking was so painful that in an instant my head dropped onto the
communion rail. It seemed to me that the thorn had thrust itself into my
brain. But all this is nothing; it is all for the sake of souls, to obtain
God's mercy for them. |
1400 |
I live from one hour to the next and am not able
to get along in any other way. I want to make the best possible use of the
present moment, faithfully accomplishing everything that it gives me. In all
things, I depend on God with unwavering trust. |
Notebook I 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-521
Notebook II 522-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000
Notebook III 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1230
Notebook V
1322-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1589
Notebook VI 1590-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1803
Preparation for Holy Communion 1804-1828
Diary, St. Maria
Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy In My Soul
(c) Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate
Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263.
purchase the dairy, visit the Marians of the
Immaculate Conception website
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