Mercy in my Soul PDF File
Notebook I 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-521
Notebook II 522-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000
Notebook III 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1230
Notebook V
1322-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1589
Notebook VI 1590-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1803
Preparation for Holy Communion 1804-1828
Diary Divine Mercy in My Soul ( III: 1051
1100 ) |
Notebook 3 |
1051 |
I have felt great sufferings in my body, but I feel the Lord is upholding me, for otherwise I would not be able to bear it. |
1052 |
O my Jesus, I beg You on behalf of the whole Church: Grant it love and the light of Your Spirit, and give power to the words of priests so that hardened hearts might be brought to repentance and return to You, O Lord. Lord, give us holy priests; You yourself maintain them in holiness. O Divine and Great High Priest, may the power of Your mercy accompany them everywhere and protect them from the devil's traps and snares which are continually being set for the souls of priests. May the power of Your mercy, O Lord, shatter and bring to naught all that might tarnish the sanctity of priests, for You can do all things. |
1053 |
March 25, 1937. Holy Thursday. During Holy Mass, I saw the Lord, who said to me, Lean your head on My breast and rest. The Lord pressed me to His Heart and said, I shall give you a small portion of My Passion, but do not be afraid, be brave; do not seek relief, but accept everything with submission to My will. |
1054 |
When Jesus was taking leave of
me, such great pain filled my soul that it is impossible to express it.
Physical strength left me; I left the chapel quickly and went to bed. I was
oblivious of what was going on around me. My soul was filled with longing for
the Lord, and all the bitterness of His Divine Heart was imparted to me. This
lasted for about three hours. I asked the Lord to protect me from the eyes of
those around me. Although I wanted to, I could not take any food all day,
until evening. |
1055 |
March 26, 1937. Friday. In the morning, I at once felt the torture of His five wounds in my body. This suffering continued until three o'clock. Although there is no outward sign of it, the torture is no less painful. I am glad that Jesus is protecting me from people's eyes. |
1056 |
At eleven o'clock Jesus said to me, My host, you are refreshment for My tormented Heart. I thought, after these words, that my heart would burn up. And He brought me into such close intimacy with Himself that my heart was espoused to His Heart in a loving union, and I could feel the faintest stir of His Heart and He, of mine. The fire of my created love was joined to the ardor of His eternal love. This one grace surpasses all others in its immensity. His Trinitarian Being enveloped me entirely, and I am totally immersed in Him. My littleness is, as it were, wrestling with this Immortal Mighty One. I am immersed in incomprehensible love and incomprehensible torture because of His Passion. All that concerns His Being is imparted to me also. |
1057 |
Up to now, Jesus has been bringing me to know about, and to have a presentiment of, this grace, but today He granted it to me. I would not even dare to dream about it. My heart is in ceaseless ecstasy, as it were, although outwardly nothing disturbs my contacts with my neighbor or my attending to various matters. Nothing is capable of interrupting my ecstasy, nor can anyone suspect it, because I have asked God to protect me from detection by people. And, together with this grace, there entered my soul a whole ocean of light, enabling me to understand God and myself. Amazement overwhelms me entirely and leads me as if into a new ecstasy [aroused by the fact] that God has deigned to descend to me, who am so little. |
1058 |
+ At three o'clock, I prayed prostrate, in the form of a cross, for the whole world. Jesus' mortal life was coming to an end. I heard His seven words; then He looked at me and said, Beloved daughter of My Heart, you are My solace amidst terrible torments. |
1059 |
Jesus is commanding me to make a novena before the Feast of Mercy, and today I am to begin it for the conversion of the whole world and for the recognition of The Divine Mercy... so that every soul will praise My goodness. I desire trust from My creatures. Encourage souls to place great trust in My fathomless mercy. Let the weak, sinful soul have no fear to approach Me, for even if it had more sins than there are grains of sand in the world, all would be drowned in the unmeasurable depths of My mercy. |
1060 |
When Jesus had given up His last breath, my soul dissolved from the pain, and for a long time I could not come to myself. I found some relief in tears. The One whom my heart had come to love has died. Will anyone understand my grief? |
1061 |
In the evening, over the
radio, I heard hymns; that is, psalms, sung by priests. [185] I burst into tears, and
all of the pain was renewed in my soul, and I wept sorrowfully, unable to
find appeasement in this pain. Then I heard a voice in my soul: Do
not cry; I am not suffering any more. And for the faithfulness with which you
accompanied Me in My sufferings and death, your own death will be a solemn
one, and I will accompany you in that last hour. Beloved pearl of My Heart, I
see your love so pure, purer than that of the angels, and all the more so
because you keep fighting. For your sake I bless the world. I see your efforts
to please Me, and they delight My Heart. |
1062 |
+ I made an hour of adoration
in thanksgiving for the graces which had been granted me and for my illness.
Illness also is a great grace. I have been ill for four months, but I do not
recall having wasted so much as a minute of it. All has been for God and
souls; I want to be faithful to Him everywhere. |
1063 |
Today, Jesus is bidding me to comfort and reassure a certain soul who has opened herself to me and told me about her difficulties. This soul is pleasing to the Lord, but she is not aware of it. God is keeping her in deep humility. I have carried out the Lord's directives. |
1064 |
+ O my most sweet Master, good Jesus, I give You my heart. You shape and mold it after Your liking. O fathomless love, I open the calyx of my heart to You, like a rosebud to the freshness of dew. To You alone, my Betrothed, is known the fragrance of the flower of my heart. Let the fragrance of my sacrifice be pleasing to You. O Immortal God, my everlasting delight, already here on earth You are my heaven. May every beat of my heart be a new hymn of praise to You, O Holy Trinity! Had I as many hearts as there are drops of water in the ocean or grains of sand in the whole world, I would offer them all to You, O my Love, O Treasure of my heart! Whomever I shall meet in my life, no matter who they may be, I want to draw them all to love You, O my Jesus, my Beauty, my Repose, my sole Master, Judge, Savior and Spouse, all in one; I know that one title will modify the other-I have entrusted everything to Your mercy. |
1065 |
+ My Jesus, support me when difficult and stormy days come, days of testing, days of ordeal, when suffering and fatigue begin to oppress my body and my soul. Sustain me, Jesus, and give me strength to bear suffering. Set a guard upon my lips that they may address no word of complaint to creatures. Your most merciful Heart is all my hope. I have nothing for my defense but only Your mercy; in it lies all my trust. |
1066 |
March 27, 1937. Today, I returned from Pradnik, after nearly four months of treatment. For everything, I give great thanks to God. I have made use of every moment to glorify God. When I went into the chapel for a moment, I realized how much I would have to suffer and struggle, with regard to this whole matter. O Jesus, my strength, You alone can help me; grant me fortitude. |
1067 |
March 28. Resurrection. During the Mass of Resurrection, I saw the Lord in beauty and splendor, and He said to me, My daughter, peace be with you. He blessed me and disappeared, and my soul was filled with gladness and joy beyond words. My heart was fortified for struggle and sufferings. |
1068 |
Today, I had a conversation with Father [Andrasz] and he recommended great caution in the matter of these sudden appearances of the Lord Jesus. When he was speaking about divine mercy, some sort of strength and power entered my heart. My God, I want so much to express everything and am so very unable to do so. Father tells me that the Lord Jesus is very generous in communicating himself to souls and, on the other hand, He is, so to speak, stingy. "Although God's generosity is very great," said Father, "be careful anyway, because these sudden appearances arouse suspicion; although, personally, I do not see anything wrong here, or anything contrary to faith. Be a little more careful, and when Mother Superior comes, you can talk to her about these things." |
1069 |
March 29, 1937. During
meditation today, I saw the Lord in great beauty, and He said to me, Peace
be to you, My daughter. My whole
soul trembled with love for Him and I said, "O Lord, although I love You
with all my heart, please do not appear to me, because my spiritual director
has told me that these sudden appearances of Yours arouse the suspicion that
You could be an illusion. And although I love You more than my own life, and
I know that You are my Lord and God, who are communing with me, I must above
all be obedient to my confessor." |
1070 |
+ April 2, 1937. In the morning, during Mass, I heard these words: Tell the superior that I want adoration to take place here for the intention of imploring mercy for the world. |
1071 |
O my Jesus, You alone know what my heart is going through. O my Strength, You can do all things, and though I expose myself to great sufferings, I shall always remain faithful to You because I am sustained by Your singular grace. |
1072 |
+ April 3, 1937. Today, the Lord said to me, Tell the Reverend Professor [probably Father Theodore [186] ] that I desire that on the Feast of My Mercy he deliver a sermon about My fathomless mercy. I fulfilled God's wish, but the priest did not want to acknowledge the Lord's message. When I left the confessional, I heard these words: Do as I tell you and be at peace; this matter is between him and Me. You will not be held responsible for this. |
1073 |
April 4, 1937. Low Sunday;
that is, the Feast of Mercy. In the morning, after Holy Communion, my soul
was immersed in the Godhead. I was united to the Three Divine Persons in such
a way that when I was united to Jesus, I was simultaneously united to the
Father and to the Holy Spirit. My soul was flooded with joy beyond
understanding, and the Lord gave me to experience the whole ocean and abyss
of His fathomless mercy. Oh, if only souls would want to understand how much
God loves them! All comparisons, even if they were the most
tender and the most vehement, are but a mere shadow when set against
the reality. |
1074 |
When I went for adoration, I
heard these words: My beloved daughter, write down these
words, that today My Heart has rested in this convent [the
Cracow house]. Tell the world about My mercy and My
love. |
1075 |
Souls who spread the honor of My mercy I shield through their entire lives as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them, but the Merciful Savior. At that last hour, a soul has nothing with which to defend itself except My mercy. Happy is the soul that during its lifetime immersed itself in the Fountain of Mercy, because justice will have no hold on it. |
1076 |
Write this: Everything that exists is enclosed in the bowels of My mercy, more deeply than an infant in its mother's womb. How painfully distrust of My goodness wounds Me! Sins of distrust wound Me most painfully. |
1077 |
During Holy Mass, the Directress of Novices [Sister Callista [187] ] played a beautiful hymn about the mercy of God. I then asked the Lord to give her a deeper knowledge of the abyss of this inconceivable mercy. |
1078 |
+ When I was saying good night to the Lord before retiring, I heard the words, Host, dear to My Heart, for your sake I bless the earth. |
1079 |
April 7, 1937. Today, when a certain person entered the chapel, I felt a terrible pain in my hands, my feet and my side, just as Jesus did during His Passion. This lasted only for a brief moment. But in this way I recognized a soul who was not in God's grace. |
1080 |
On one occasion I saw the Holy Father reflecting about this matter [presumably the establishment of the Feast of The Divine Mercy]. |
1081 |
April 10, 1937. Today, Mother Superior gave me an article about The Divine Mercy to read, and with it there was also a reproduction of the image that had been painted. The article appeared in the Vilnius Weekly [188] and was sent to us in Cracow by Father Michael Sopocko, that zealous apostle of The Divine Mercy. In this article are included words that the Lord Jesus has spoken to me, some of them quoted verbatim. |
1082 |
When I took the issue of the Weekly into my hands, an arrow of love pierced my soul. - For the sake of your ardent desires, I am hastening the Feast of Mercy. My spirit burst into such a powerful flame of love that it seemed to me that I was totally dissolved in God. |
1083 |
+ That beautiful soul who is spreading this work of divine mercy throughout the world is, by his deep humility, very pleasing to God. |
1084 |
Before every major grace, my soul undergoes a test of patience, for I feel the grace, but do not yet possess it. My spirit burns with impatience, but the hour has not yet come. These moments are so very extraordinary that it is difficult to describe them. |
1085 |
April 13, 1937. Today I must stay in bed all day. I had a violent fit of coughing, which left me so weak that I have no strength to walk. My spirit is eager to do God's work, but physical strength has left me. I cannot penetrate Your actions at this moment, O Lord; therefore, I keep repeating with a loving act of the will: do with me as You please. |
1086 |
Although the temptations are strong, a whole wave of doubts beats against my soul, and discouragement stands by, ready to enter into the act, the Lord, however, strengthens my will, against which all the attempts of the enemy are shattered as if against a rock. I see how many actual graces God grants me; these support me ceaselessly. I am very weak, and I attribute everything solely to the grace of God. |
1087 |
+ When one day I resolved to practice a certain virtue, I lapsed into the vice opposed to that virtue ten times more frequently than on other days. In the evening, I was reflecting on why, today, I had lapsed so extraordinarily, and I heard the words: You were counting too much on yourself and too little on Me. And I understood the cause of my lapses. |
1088 |
Sudden return of health. |
1089 |
On April 14, I felt so bad
that I barely managed to get up to assist at Holy Mass. I felt much worse
than I did at the time they sent me for treatment. There was wheezing, and
there were rattling noises in my lungs and strange pains. When I received
Holy Communion, I don't know why, but it was as if something were urging me
to this prayer, and I began to pray in this manner: "Jesus, may Your
pure and healthy blood circulate in my ailing organism, and may Your pure and
healthy body transform my weak body, and may a healthy and vigorous life
throb within me, if it is truly Your holy will that I should set about the
work in question; and this will be a clear sign of Your holy will for
me." |
1090 |
And this happened on the last
day of my novena to the Holy Spirit. After this return to health, I found myself
united with the Lord Jesus in a purely spiritual way. Jesus gave me strong
assurances; that is, He confirmed me in respect to His demands. I remained
close to the Lord Jesus all that day and talked with Him about the details
concerning that congregation. |
1091 |
Then I heard these words: Go
tell the superior that you are in good health. |
1092 |
April 16, 1937. Today, as God's Majesty swept over me, my soul understood that the Lord, so very great though He is, delights in humble souls. The more a soul humbles itself, the greater the kindness with which the Lord approaches it. Uniting himself closely with it, He raises it to His very throne. Happy is the soul whom the Lord himself defends. I have come to know that only love is of any value; love is greatness; nothing, no works, can compare with a single act of pure love of God. |
1093 |
+ O Jesus, shield me with Your mercy and also judge me leniently, or else Your justice may rightly damn me. |
1094 |
April 17. Today, during a catechetical lecture [by Father Theodore [189] ], I was given a confirmation of what I had understood interiorly and lived by for quite some time; namely, that if a soul loves God sincerely and is intimately united with Him, then, even though such it soul may be living in the midst of difficult external circumstances, nothing can disturb its interior life; and in the midst of corruption, it can remain pure and unsullied; because the great love of God gives it strength for battle, and God also protects in a special way, even in a miraculous way, a soul that loves Him sincerely. |
1095 |
When, one day, God gave me the inner knowledge that I had never lost my innocence, and that despite all dangers in which I had found myself, He himself had been guarding me so that the virginity of my soul and heart would remain intact, I spent the day in fervent interior thanksgiving. I thanked God that He had bee pleased to protect me from evil, and also for this: that I had found favor in His eyes, that He himself had given me assurance of this. |
1096 |
And a few years later, He deigned to confirm me in this grace, and since that time I have not experienced the rebellion of the senses against the soul. I have written this down in greater detail elsewhere in my diary [cf. paragraph no. 40]. As often as I recall this inconceivable grace, a fresh flame of love and gratitude to God bursts forth from my heart; and this same love leads me to complete forgetfulness of self. |
1097 |
Since that time, I have been living under the virginal ', cloak of the Mother of God. She has been guarding me and instructing me. I am quite at peace, close to Her Immaculate Heart. Because I am so weak and inexperienced, I nestle like a little child close to Her heart. |
1098 |
Although God has confirmed me in this virtue, I am, however, constantly on the watch and fear even my own shadow, but this only because I have come to love God intensely. |
1099 |
This grace from God was given to me precisely because I was the weakest of all people; this is why the Almighty has surrounded me with His special mercy. |
1100 |
April 24. I can sense every major grace in advance; a
strange longing and desire for God comes over me, and then I wait for the
grace. And the greater the grace, the more distinct is the presentiment, and
the fiercer is my struggle with the adversary of my salvation. |
Notebook I 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-521
Notebook II 522-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000
Notebook III 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1230
Notebook V
1322-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1589
Notebook VI 1590-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1803
Preparation for Holy Communion 1804-1828
Diary, St. Maria
Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy In My Soul
(c) Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate
Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263.
purchase the dairy, visit the Marians of the Immaculate
Conception website
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