Mercy in my Soul PDF File
Notebook I 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-521
Notebook II 522-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000
Notebook III 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1230
Notebook V
1322-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1589
Notebook VI 1590-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1803
Preparation for Holy Communion 1804-1828
Divine Mercy in My Soul ( II: 851 900 )
Notebook 2 |
851 |
28, [1936]. Today I have started a novena to The Divine Mercy. That is, I place
myself in spirit before the image and recite the chaplet which the Lord has
taught me. On the second day of the novena, I saw the image, as it were, come
alive, adorned with numberless votive lamps, and I saw great crowds of people
coming there, and many of them were filled with happiness. O Jesus, with what
great joy did my heart beat! I am making the novena for the intention of two
people; namely, the Archbishop [Jalbrzykowski] and
Father Sopocko. I am earnestly asking the Lord to inspire the Archbishop to
approve the chaplet, which is so pleasing to God, and also the image, and
that he may not put off or delay this work.... |
852 |
the Lord's gaze shot through me suddenly, like lightning. At once, I came to
know the tiniest specks in my soul, and knowing the depths of my misery, I
fell to my knees and begged the Lord's pardon, and with great trust I
immersed myself in His infinite mercy. Such knowledge does not depress me nor
keep me away from the Lord, but rather it arouses in my soul greater love and
boundless trust. The repentance of my heart is linked to love. These
extraordinary flashes from the Lord educate my soul. O sweet rays of God, enlighten me to the most secret depth, for I want to
arrive at the greatest possible purity of heart and soul. |
853 |
the evening, a great longing took possession of my soul. I took the pamphlet
with the Image of the Merciful Jesus on it and pressed it to my heart, and
the following words burst forth from my soul: "Jesus, Eternal Love, I
live for You, I die for You, and I want to become united with You."
Suddenly I saw the Lord in His inexpressible beauty. He looked at me
graciously and said, My daughter, I too
came down from heaven out of love for you; I lived for you, I died for you,
and I created the heavens for you. And Jesus pressed me to His Heart and said to me, Very soon now; be at peace, My daughter.When I was alone, my soul was set afire with the desire
to suffer until the moment when the Lord would say, "Enough." And
even if I were to live for thousands of years, I see in the light of God that
that is but one moment. Souls ...[unfinished
thought]. |
854 |
29, [1936]. Today after Holy Communion, I heard a voice in my soul: My daughter, stand ready, for I will come unexpectedly. Jesus, You do not want to tell me the hour I am
looking forward to with such longing?
My daughter, it is for your own good. You will learn it, but not now; keep
watch. O Jesus, do with me as
You please. I know You are the merciful Savior and You will not change
towards me at the hour of my death. If at this time you are showing me so
much special love, and are condescending to unite Yourself
with me is such an intimate way and with such great kindness, I expect even
more at the hour of my death. You, my Lord-God, cannot change. You are always
the same. Heaven can change, as well as everything that is created; but You,
Lord, are ever the same and will endure forever. So come as You like and when
You like. Father of infinite mercy, I, Your child, wait longingly for Your
coming. O Jesus, You said in the Holy Gospel, "Out of your mouth do I
judge you." Well, Jesus, I am always speaking of Your inconceivable
mercy, so I trust that You will judge me according to Your unfathomable
mercy. |
855 |
30, 1936. The year is coming to an end. I took today as the day of the
monthly retreat. My spirit engrossed itself in the benefits that God has
lavished on me throughout this whole year. My soul trembled at the sight of
this immensity of God's graces. From my soul there burst forth a hymn of
thanksgiving to the Lord. For a whole hour, I remained steeped in adoration
and thanksgiving, contemplating, one by one, the benefits I had received from
God and also my own minor shortcomings. All that this year contained has gone
into the abyss of eternity. Nothing is lost. I am glad that nothing gets
lost. |
856 |
the morning meditation, I felt an aversion and a repugnance
for all created things. Everything pales before my eyes; my spirit is
detached from all things. I desire only God himself, and yet I must live.
This is a martyrdom beyond description. God imparts
himself to the soul in a loving way and draws it into the infinite depths of
His divinity, but at the same time He leaves it here on earth for the sole
purpose that it might suffer and die of longing for Him. And this strong love
is so pure that God himself finds pleasure in it; and self-love has no access
to its deeds, for here everything is totally saturated with bitterness, and
thus is totally pure. Life is a continuous dying, painful and terrible, and
at the same time it is the depth of true life and of inconceivable happiness
and the strength of the soul; and because of this, [the soul] is capable of
great deeds for the sake of God. |
857 |
In the evening, I prayed for a few hours, first for my parents and relatives,
for Mother General and for the whole Congregation, for our students, and for
three priests [probably Archbishop Jalbrzykowski,
Father Sopocko, and Father Andrasz] to whom I owe very much. I ran the length
and breadth of the whole world and thanked the unfathomable mercy of God for
all the graces granted to people, and I begged pardon for everything by which
they have offended Him. |
858 |
Vespers, I saw the Lord Jesus, who looked sweetly and profoundly into my
soul. My daughter, have
patience; it won't be long now. That
profound look and those words filled my soul with strength and power, courage
and extraordinary trust that I would carry out everything He was demanding of
me, despite such tremendous difficulties, and [filled me with] a special
conviction that the Lord is with me and that with Him I can do all things.
All the powers on earth and in hell are as nothing to me. Everything must
fall before the power of His Name. I entrust everything into Your hands, O my
Lord and God. Sole Commander of my soul, direct me
according to Your eternal desires. |
859 |
Cracow, Pradnik, January 1, 1937. |
860 |
are times in life when the soul finds comfort only in profound prayer. Would
that souls knew how to persevere in prayer at such times. This is very
important. |
861 |
Particular examen: remains the same; namely, to unite myself with
the Merciful Christ (that is; what would Christ do in such and such a case?) and,
in spirit, to embrace the whole world, especially Russia and Spain. |
I. |
Strict observance of
silence - interior silence. |
II. |
To see the image of God in
every sister; all love of neighbor must flow from this motive. |
III. |
To do the will of God
faithfully at every moment of my life and to live by this. |
IV. |
To give a faithful account
of everything to the spiritual director and not to undertake anything of importance
without a clear understanding with him. I shall try to clearly lay bare to
him the most secret depths of my soul, bearing in mind that I am dealing with
God himself, and that His representative is just a human being, and so I must
pray daily that he be given light. |
V. |
During the evening
examination of conscience, I am to ask myself the question: What if He were
to call me today? |
VI. |
Not to look for God far
away, but within my own being to abide with Him alone. |
VII. |
In sufferings and torments,
to take refuge in the tabernacle and to be silent. |
To join all sufferings,
prayers, works and mortifications to the merits of Jesus in order to obtain
mercy for the world. |
IX. |
To use free moments,
however short, for prayers for the dying. |
X. |
There must not be a day in
my life when I do not recommend to the Lord the works of our Congregation.
Never have regard for what others think of you [for human respect]. |
XI. |
Have no familiar relationships
with anyone. Gentle firmness toward the girls, boundless patience; punish
them severely but with such punishments as these: prayer and self-sacrifice.
The strength that is in the emptying of myself for
their sake is for them a [source of] constant remorse and the softening of
their obdurate hearts. |
XII. |
The presence of God is the
basis of all my thoughts, words and deeds. |
take advantage of all spiritual help. To always put self-love in its proper place;
namely, the last. To perform my spiritual exercises as though I were doing
them for the last time in my life, and in like manner to carry out all my
duties. |
862 |
2, [1937]. The Name of Jesus. Oh, how great is Your Name, O Lord! It is the
strength of my soul. When my strength fails, and darkness invades my soul,
Your Name is the sun whose rays give light and also warmth, and under their
influence the soul becomes more beautiful and radiant, taking its splendor
from Your Name. When I hear the sweetest name of Jesus, my heartbeat grows
stronger, and there are times when, hearing the Name of Jesus, I fall into a
swoon. My spirit eagerly strains toward Him. |
863 |
is a particularly important day for me. On this day I made my first visit
connected with the painting of the Image. [160] On this day the Divine Mercy received
special external honor for the first time, although it has been known for a
long time, but here it was in the form that the Lord had requested. This day
of the sweet Name of Jesus reminds me of many special graces. |
864 |
3. The Mother Superior of the Congregation that serves this hospital visited
me today, together with one of her sisters. [161] For a long while, we talked about
spiritual matters. I recognized in her a great ascetic, and so our
conversation was pleasing to God. |
865 |
First Sunday of the month. During adoration, I felt so strongly urged to act
that I burst into tears and said to the Lord, "Jesus, do not urge me,
but give this inspiration to those who You know are delaying the work."
And I heard these words: My
daughter, be at peace; it will not be long now. |
866 |
Vespers, I heard these words:
My daughter, I want to repose in your heart, because many souls have thrown
Me out of their hearts today. I have experienced sorrow unto death. I tried to comfort the Lord, by offering Him my love
a thousand times over. I felt, within my soul, a great disgust for sin. |
867 |
My heart is steeped in continual bitterness, because I want to go to You,
Lord, into the fullness of life. O Jesus, what a dreadful wilderness this
life seems to me! There is on this earth no nourishment for either my heart
or my soul. I suffer because of my longing for You, O Lord. You have left me
the Sacred Host, O Lord, but it enkindles in my soul an even greater longing
for You, O my Creator and Eternal God! Jesus, I yearn to become united with
You. Deign to hear the sighs of Your dearly beloved. Oh, how I suffer because
I am still unable to be united with You. But let it be done according to Your
wishes. |
868 |
5, 1937. This evening, I saw a certain priest [probably Father Sopocko] who
was in need of prayer for a certain matter. I prayed fervently because the
matter is very close to my heart as well. Thank You, Jesus, for this
kindness. |
869 |
Jesus, have mercy! Embrace the whole world and press me to Your Heart.... O
Lord, let my soul repose in the sea of Your unfathomable mercy. |
870 |
6, 1937. Today during Holy Mass, I was unwittingly absorbed in the infinite
majesty of God. The whole immensity of God's love flooded my soul. At that
particular moment, I became aware of how much God abases himself for my sake.
He, the Lord of Lords-and what am I, miserable being that I am, that You
would commune thus with me? The wonder that took hold of me after this
special grace continued very vividly throughout the entire day. Taking
advantage of the intimacy to which the Lord was admitting me, I interceded
before Him for the whole world. At such moments I have the feeling that the
whole world is depending on me. |
871 |
My Master, cause my heart never to expect help from anyone, but I will always
strive to bring assistance, consolation and all manner of relief to others.
My heart is always open to the sufferings of others; and I will not close my
heart to the sufferings of others, even though because of this I have been
scornfully nicknamed "dump"; that is, [because] everyone dumps his
pain into my heart. [To this] I answered that everyone has a place in my
heart and I, in return, have a place in the Heart of Jesus. Taunts regarding
the law of love will not narrow my heart. My soul is always sensitive on this
point, and Jesus alone is the motive for my love of neighbor. |
872 |
7. During the Holy Hour, the Lord allowed me to taste His Passion. I shared
in the bitterness of the suffering that filled His soul to overflowing. Jesus
gave me to understand how a soul should be faithful to prayer despite
torments, dryness and temptations; because oftentimes the realization of
God's great plans depends mainly on such prayer. If we do not persevere in
such prayer, we frustrate what the Lord wanted to do through us or within us.
Let every soul remember these words: "And being in anguish, He prayed
longer." I always prolong such prayer as much as is in my power and in
conformity with my duty. |
873 |
8. On Friday morning, as I was going to the chapel to attend Holy Mass, I
suddenly saw a huge juniper tree on the pavement and in it a horrible cat who, looking angrily at me, blocked my way to the chapel.
One whisper of the name of Jesus dissipated all that. I offered the whole day
for dying sinners. During Holy Mass, I felt the closeness of the Lord in a
special way. After Holy Communion, I turned my gaze with trust toward the
Lord and told him, "Jesus, I so much desire to tell You something."
And the Lord looked at me with love and said, And what is it that you desire to tell Me? |
874 |
Immaculate Virgin, take me under Your special protection and guard the purity
of my soul, heart and body. You are the model and star of my life. |
875 |
I experienced a great suffering during the visit of our sisters. I learned of
something that hurt me terribly, but I controlled myself so that the sisters
didn't notice anything. For some time, the pain was tearing my heart apart,
but all that is for the sake of poor sinners.... O Jesus, for poor
sinners.... Jesus, my strength, stay close to me, help me.... |
876 |
10, 1937. I asked the Lord today to give me strength in the morning so that I
could go to receive Holy Communion. My Master, I ask You with all my
thirsting heart to give me, if this is according to Your holy will, any
suffering and weakness that You like-I want to suffer all day and all
night-but please, I fervently beg You, strengthen me for the one moment when
I am to receive Holy Communion. You see very well, Jesus, that here they do
not bring Holy Communion to the sick; so, if You do not strengthen me for
that moment so that I can go down to the chapel, how can I receive You in the
Mystery of Love? And You know how much my heart longs for You. O my sweet
Spouse, what's the good of all these reasonings?
You know how ardently I desire You, and if You so choose You can do this for
me. |
877 |
O Jesus concealed in the Host, my sweet Master and faithful Friend, how happy
my soul is to have such a Friend who always keeps me company. I do not feel
lonely even though I am in isolation. Jesus-Host, we know each other-that is
enough for me. |
878 |
12, 1937. Today, when the doctor [Adam Silberg]
making his rounds came to see me, he somehow didn't like the way I looked.
Naturally, I was suffering more, and so my temperature had gone up
considerably. Consequently, he decided I must not go down for Holy Communion
until my temperature dropped to normal. I said, "All right,"
although pain seized my heart; but I said I would go only if I had no fever.
So he agreed to that. When the doctor left, I said to the Lord, "Jesus,
now it is up to You whether I shall go or not," and I didn't think about
it anymore, although the thought kept coming to my mind: I am not to have Jesusno, that's impossible-and not just once but for
several days, until my temperature drops. But in the evening, I said to the
Lord, "Jesus, if my Communions are pleasing to You, I beg You humbly,
grant that I have not one degree of fever tomorrow morning." |
879 |
saw Father Andrasz as he was saying Holy Mass today. Before the Elevation, I
saw the Infant Jesus with His hands spread out, and He was very joyous; then,
after a moment, I saw nothing more. I was in my room and I continued making
my thanksgiving. But later on, I thought to myself, "Why was the Infant
Jesus so merry? After all, He is not always so merry when I see Him."
Then I heard these words interiorly: Because
I am very much at home in his heart. And I was not at all surprised at this, because I know he loves
Jesus very much. |
880 |
union with the dying is still as close as ever. Oh, how incomprehensible is
God's mercy that the Lord allows me, by my unworthy prayer, to come to the
aid of the dying. I try to be at the side of every dying person whenever I
can. Have confidence in God, for He is good and inconceivable. His mercy
surpasses our understanding. |
881 |
14, 1937. Today, Jesus entered my room wearing a bright robe and girded with
a golden belt, His whole figure resplendent with great majesty. He said, My daughter, why are you giving in to thoughts of fear? I answered, "O Lord, You know why." And
He said, Why? "This work frightens me. You know that I am
incapable of carrying it out." And He said, Why? "You see very well
that I am not in good health, that I have no education, that I have no money,
that I am an abyss of misery, that I fear contacts with people. Jesus, I
desire only You. You can release me from this." And the Lord said to me,
My daughter, what you have said is
true. You are very miserable, and it pleased Me to carry out this work of
mercy precisely through you who are nothing but misery itself. Do not fear; I
will not leave you alone. Do whatever you can in this matter; I will
accomplish everything that is lacking in you. You know what is within your
power to do; do that. The Lord
looked into the depth of my being with great kindness; I thought I would die
for joy under that gaze. The Lord disappeared, and joy, strength and power to
act remained in my soul. But I was surprised that the Lord did not want to
release me and that He is not changing anything He has once said. And despite
all these joys, there is always a shadow of sorrow. I see that love and
sorrow go hand in hand. |
882 |
rarely have such visions. But I more often commune with the Lord in a more profound
manner. My senses sleep and, although not in a visible way, all things become
more real and clearer to me than if I saw them with my eyes. My intellect
learns more in one moment than during long years of thinking and meditation,
both as regards the essence of God and as regards revealed truths, and also
as regards the knowledge of my own misery. |
883 |
disturbs my union with the Lord, neither conversation with others nor any
duties; even if I am to go about settling very important matters, this does
not disturb me. My spirit is with God, and my interior being is filled with
God, so I do not look for Him outside myself. He, the Lord, penetrates my
soul just as a ray from the sun penetrates clear glass. When I was enclosed
in my mother's womb, I was not so closely united
with her as I am with my God. There, it was an unawareness;
but here, it is the fullness of reality and the consciousness of union. My
visions are purely interior, but the more I understand them, the less I am
able to express them in words. |
884 |
how beautiful is the world of the spirit! And so real that, by comparison,
the exterior life is just a vain illusion and powerlessness. |
885 |
give me the strength and wisdom to get through this terrible wilderness, that
my heart may bear patiently this longing for You, O my Lord! I always remain
in holy amazement when I sense that You are approaching me, You, the Lord of
the awesome throne; that You descend to this miserable exile and visit this
poor beggar who has nothing but misery! I do not know how to entertain You,
my Royal Prince, but You know that I love You with every beat of my heart. I
see how You lower yourself, but nevertheless Your majesty does not diminish
in my eyes. I know that You love me with the love of a bridegroom, and that
is enough for me. Although we are separated by a great chasm, for You are the
Creator and I am Your creature, nevertheless, love alone explains our union. Without
it, all is incomprehensible. Only love makes it possible to understand these
incomprehensible intimacies with which You visit me. O Jesus, Your greatness
terrifies me, and I would be in constant astonishment and fear, if You
yourself did not set me at peace. You make me capable of communing with You
before each approach. |
886 |
15, 1937. Sorrow will not establish itself in a heart which loves the will of
God. My heart, longing for God, feels the whole misery of exile. I keep going
forward bravely-though my feet become wounded-to my homeland and, on the way, I nourish myself on the will of God. It is my food.
Help me, happy inhabitants of the heavenly homeland, so that your sister may
not falter on the way. Although the desert is fearful, I walk with lifted
head and eyes fixed on the sun; that is to say, on the merciful Heart of
Jesus. |
887 |
19, 1937. My life at present flows on in peaceful awareness of God. My silent
soul lives on Him, and this conscious life of God in my soul is for me a
source of happiness and strength. I do not look for happiness outside the
depths of my soul in which God dwells; of this I am aware. I feel a certain
need to share myself with others. I have discovered a fountain of happiness
in my soul, and it is God. O my God, I see that everything that surrounds me
is filled with God, and most of all my own soul, which is adorned with the
grace of God. Already now, I will begin to live on that on which I shall live
for all eternity. |
888 |
is so powerful a language that it reaches the throne of the living God.
Silence is His language, though secret, yet living and powerful. |
889 |
You have given me to know and understand in what a soul's greatness consists:
not in great deeds but in great love. Love has its worth, and it confers
greatness on all our deeds. Although our actions are small and ordinary in
themselves, because of love they become great and powerful before God. |
890 |
is a mystery that transforms everything it touches into things beautiful and
pleasing to God. The love of God makes a soul free. She is like a queen; she
knows no slavish compulsion; she sets about everything with great freedom of
soul, because the love which dwells in her incites her to action. Everything
that surrounds her makes her know that only God himself is worthy of her
love. A soul in love with God and immersed in Him approaches her duties with
the same dispositions as she does Holy Communion and carries out the simplest
tasks with great care, under the loving gaze of God. She is not troubled if,
after some time, something turns out to be less successful. She remains calm,
because at the time of the action she had done what was in her power. When it
happens that the living presence of God, which she enjoys almost constantly,
leaves her, she then tries to continue living in lively faith. Her soul
understands that there are periods of rest and periods of battle. Through her
will, she is always with God. Her soul, like a knight, is well trained in
battle; from afar it sees where the foe is hiding and is ready for battle.
She knows she is not alone-God is her strength. |
891 |
21, [1937]. Since early morning today, I have been wondrously united with the
Lord. In the evening, the hospital chaplain visited me. After we had talked
for a while, I felt my spirit beginning to immerse itself in God, and I began
to lose all sense of what was happening around me. I ardently implored Jesus,
"Give me the ability to talk." And the Lord granted that I could
talk freely with him. But there was a moment when I could not understand what
the priest was saying. I heard his voice, but it was impossible for me to
understand him, and I apologized for not understanding him although I could
hear his voice. This is a moment of the grace of union with God, but
imperfect, because exteriorly the senses are acting imperfectly too. There is
no total immersion in God; that is, suspension of the senses, as often
happens when one neither sees nor hears anything exteriorly, the whole soul
being freely absorbed in God. When such a grace visits me, I want to be
alone, and I ask Jesus to protect me from the eyes of creatures. I was really
very embarrassed before the priest, but I was reassured, because he got to
know a little of my soul in confession. |
892 |
the Lord gave me to know, in spirit, about the Convent of Divine Mercy. I saw
a great spirit in this convent, but everything was poor and very scanty. O my
Jesus, you are allowing me to live in spirit with these souls, but perhaps I
shall never set foot there; but may Your Name be blessed, and whatever You
have intended, may it be done. |
893 |
22, [1937]. Today is Friday. My soul is in a sea of suffering. Sinners have
taken everything away from me. But that is all right; I have given everything
away for their sake that they might know that You are good and infinitely
merciful. I shall be faithful to You, come rain or shine. |
894 |
the doctor decided that I am not to go to Mass, but only to Holy Communion. I
wanted very much to assist at Mass, but my confessor, [162] in agreement with the doctor, told me to
obey. "It is God's will, Sister, that you should get well, and you must
not undertake mortifications of any kind. Be obedient, Sister, and God will
reward you for it." I felt that the confessor's words were Jesus' words,
and although it made me sad to miss Holy Mass, during which God had been
granting me the grace of seeing the Infant Jesus; nevertheless, I placed
obedience above everything else. |
895 |
23, [1937]. I did not feel like writing today. Then I heard a voice in my soul:My daughter, you do not live for yourself but for souls; write
for their benefit. You know that My will as to your writing has been
confirmed many times by your confessors. You know what is pleasing to Me, and
if you have any doubts about what I am saying, you also know whom you are to
ask. I grant him light to pronounce judgment on my case. My eye watches over
him. My daughter, you are to be like a child towards him, full of simplicity
and candor. Put his judgment above all My demands. He will guide you
according to My will. If he doesn't allow you to carry out My demands, be at
peace; I will not judge you, but the matter will remain between Me and him.
You are to be obedient. |
896 |
25, 1937. Today my soul is steeped in bitterness. O Jesus, O my Jesus, today everyone can add to my cup of bitterness. It makes
no difference whether they be friend or foe, they can all inflict suffering
on me. And You, O Jesus, are bound to give me strength and power in these
difficult moments. O Blessed Host, support me and seal my lips against all
murmuring and complaint. When I am silent, I know I shall be victorious. |
897 |
27, 1937. I feel considerable improvement in my health. Jesus is bringing me
from the gates of death to life, because there was so little left but for me
to die, and lo, the Lord grants me the fullness of life. Although I am still
to remain in the sanatorium, I am almost completely well. I see that the will
of God has not yet been fulfilled in me, and that is why I must live, for I
know that if I fulfill everything the Lord has planned for me in this world,
He will not leave me in exile any longer, for heaven is my home. But before
we go to our Homeland, we must fulfill the will of God on earth; that is,
trials and struggles must run their full course in us. |
898 |
my Jesus, You are giving me back my health and life; give me also strength
for battle, because I am unable to do anything without You. Give me strength,
for You can do all things. You see that I am a frail child, and what can I
do? I know the full power of Your mercy, and I trust that You will give me
everything Your feeble child needs. |
899 |
have desired death so much! I do not know whether I shall ever again in my
life experience such great longing for God. There have been times when I fell
into a swoon for Him. Oh, how ugly the earth when one knows heaven! I must do
violence to myself in order to live. O will of God,
you are my nourishment. |
900 |
how drab and full of misunderstandings is this life! My patience is
exercised, and after it comes experience. I understand and learn many things
each day and see that I know very little, and I am constantly discovering
faults in my conduct. Still, I am not discouraged by this, but thank God that
He deigns to grant me His light that I may know myself. |
Notebook I 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-521
Notebook II 522-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000
Notebook III 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1230
Notebook V
1322-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1589
Notebook VI 1590-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1803
Preparation for Holy Communion 1804-1828
Diary, St. Maria
Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy In My Soul
(c) Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate
Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263.
purchase the dairy, visit the Marians of the
Immaculate Conception website
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>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peters Church
MHII 290612