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File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
247 At present, I am getting letters
from sisters who are in other houses and who made their novitiate with me. 247 (Diary
1673) 1651-1700
[247] The following sisters had been in the novitiate with Sister
Senior novices:
Sister Alice Dabrowska, Sister Cherubim Kowieska, Sister Ernest Szczyrba,
Sister Yvonne Goebel, Sister Joachim Gluc, Sister Kinga, Sister Crescentia Bogdanik, Sister Laurenta Kosinska, Sister Longina Suchomska, Sister Lucine, Sister
Natalie Fiszer, Sister Placida Putyra,
Sister Renata Jodlowska,
Sister Simon Nalewajko, Sister Valentina
Junior novices:
Sister Anunciata Peraj,
Sister Bernarda Wilczek,
Sister Celine Bronikowska, Sister Felicia Zakowiecka, Sister Justine Golofit,
Sister Clementine Gluc, Sister Louise Gadzina, Sister Martina, Sister Regina Jaworska,
Sister Severina Marciniak,
Sister Teresita, Sister Zenobia
Sisters who
were clothed together with Sr. Faustina: Sister Bernadette Federowicz,
Sister Bonaventure EdelmannGlowacka (d. Dec. 17, 1936),
Sister Florentine Pajak (d. Jan. 2, 1950), Sister
Henry Skulimowska (d. Oct. 20, 1974).
Sisters who
corresponded with Sr. Faustina: Sister Justine Golofit,
Sister Louise Gadzina,
Sister Regina Jaworska; perhaps there were others, but at present they are
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
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>Saints >St Peter’s Church
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