APOSTOLATE .... Diary >>> DMA FaceBook
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File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
235 Then She looked at me kindly and said: I am the Mother of God
of Priests. 235
At that, She lowered Jesus from Her arm to the ground,
raised Her right hand heavenward and said: O God, bless Poland, bless
priests. Then She addressed me once again: Tell
the priests what you have seen. I resolved that at the first opportunity
[I would have] of seeing Father [Andrasz] I would tell; but I myself can make
nothing of this vision (Diary 1585) 1551-1589
[235] Cf. Bishop
Zbigniew Kraszewski, "Udzial Matki
Bozej w Dziele Odkupienia" ("The Role of the Mother of God in
the Work of Redemption") in Gratia Plena, Poznan, 1965.
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peter’s Church
MHII 270713