APOSTOLATE .... Diary >>> DMA FaceBook
Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF
File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
198 The Lord gave me knowledge of His
will under three aspects, so to speak, but it all comes down to one. [198] (Diary
1155) 1151-1200
[198] Cf. Isidore Borkiewicz, "O stosunku siostry Faustyny do
Zgromadzenia Najmilosierniejszego Odkupiciela" ("Sister Faustina's
Connection with the Congregation of the Most Merciful Reedemer"), p. 25.
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peter’s Church
MHII 13/7/13