>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE     .... Diary   >>> DMA FaceBook

Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF File     A. Diary       BM. Diary (part)

FOOTNOTES .... Diary

FOOTNOTE 136 + August 7, 1936. When I received the article] [136] about Divine Mercy with the image [on the cover], God's presence filled me in an extraordinary way     (Diary 675)         651-700 

[136] Probably Father Sopocko's pamphlet called Milosierdzie Boze (Studium teologiczne­praktyczne) [The Divine Mercy (A Theological - Practical Study)], published in Vilnius in 1936. Imprimatur was given by Bishop Romuald on June 30, 1936, No. R. 298/36 (A. SF.). The cover of the pamphlet showed a color copy of Eugene Kazimierowski's image painted in Vilnius.



>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE  .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) .  footnotes

>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament >Saints >St Peter’s Church


MHII 290613