APOSTOLATE .... Diary >>> DMA FaceBook
Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF
File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
119 each Friday, all the sisters - each one in her own
cell - will take the discipline [119] for the length of the recitation of Psalm
(Diary 565) 522-600
[119] A lash, whip,
or similar instrument for the infliction of pain, used by religious as a means
of doing penance.
PSALMS Chapter 50
50 (v49)
in spirit and truth
Psalm Of
50:1 Yahweh, God of gods, speaks,
he summons the earth. From east to west,
50:2 from Zion, perfection of
beauty, he shines.
50:3 Let
our God come, and be silent no more! Preceding him, a devouring fire, round
him, a raging storm;
50:4 he summons the heavens above
and the earth, to his people's trial:
50:5 'Assemble my faithful before
me who sealed my covenant by sacrifice!'
50:6 Let
the heavens proclaim his righteousness when God himself is judge!
50:7a 'Listen, my people, I am
50:7b Israel, I am giving evidence
against you!
50:21c I charge, I indict you to
your face,
50:7c I, God, your God.
50:8 'I am not finding fault with
your sacrifices, those holocausts constantly before me;
50:9 I do not claim one extra bull
from your homes, nor one extra goat from your pens,
50:10 'since all the forest animals
are already mine, and the cattle on my mountains in
their thousands;
50:11 I
know all the birds of the air, nothing moves in the field that does not belong
to me.
50:12 'If I were hungry, I should
not tell you, since the world and all it holds is mine.
50:13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls,
or drink goats' blood?
50:14 'No, let thanksgiving be your
sacrifice to God, fulfil the
vows you make to the Most High;
50:15 then you can invoke me in
your troubles and I will rescue you, and you shall honour
50:16 But to the wicked man God
says: 'What business have you reciting my statutes,
standing there mouthing my covenant,
50:17 since you detest my
discipline and thrust my words behind you?
50:18 'You make friends with a
thief as soon as you see one, you feel at home with adulterers,
50:19 your mouth is given freely to
evil and your tongue to inventing lies.
50:20 'You sit there, slandering
your own brother, you malign your own mother's son.
50:21 You
do this, and expect me to say nothing?
50:21b Do you really think I am
like you?
50:22 'You are leaving God out of
account; take care! Or I will tear you to pieces where no one can rescue you!
50:23 Whoever
makes thanksgiving his sacrifice honours me; to the
upright man I will show how God can save.'
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peter’s Church
MHII 290613