APOSTOLATE .... Diary >>> DMA FaceBook
Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF
File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
73 The words of the Bishop [Rospond [73]] (Diary 248) 201-250
[73] Bishop Rospond, a great friend of the Congregation, who for many
years presided over the ceremonies of clothing and vows, celebrated Mass and
gave the homily for the occasion. During the clothing ceremony he presented the
postulant with the habit and veil; the novices with the cincture and rosary,
the crucifix, and the black veil; the temporary professed with a burning candle
and a ring as a sign of perpetual betrothal with the Lord Jesus (cf. 12).
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peter’s Church
MHII 220613