APOSTOLATE .... Diary >>> DMA FaceBook
Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF
File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
59 although externally I took part in the conversations and even
went to visit Derdy. [59] (Diary 177) 151-200
[59] The
center of a former estate about 1 km from Walendow,
where the Congregation has a home for children. It comes from the foundation of
Princess Czetwertynska, who gave the Congregation a
tract of agricultural land, forest and some farm buildings for a home for
morally threatened children. Until 1947 the home was administered by the
superior of Walendow, but since then it is an
independent unit (Hist. Congr.).
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peter’s Church
MHII 220613