APOSTOLATE .... Diary >>> DMA FaceBook
Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF
File A. Diary BM. Diary (part)
58 The father [58] who
preached the retreat came from America (Diary 172) 151-200
[58] The
retreat was conducted by Rev. Edmund Elter, S.J. He
was born on November 14, 1887. He joined the order on July 15, 1905.
Outstandingly gifted, he studied the humanities, theology, and (in 1919/ 20)
international law at the Warsaw University. Next he studied in Rome and in
France. In 1926 he became a professor of ethics at the Gregorianum
in Rome. From 1932 to 1935 he was in Warsaw, and then went back to Rome as a
professor of homiletics and rhetoric. He died in Rome on August 27, 1955.
>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) . footnotes
>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament
>Saints >St Peter’s Church
MHII 220613