>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE     .... Diary   >>> DMA FaceBook

Divine Mercy in my Soul PDF File     A. Diary       BM. Diary (part)

FOOTNOTES .... Diary

FOOTNOTE 14 Our beloved Mother Directress [Mary Joseph [14]] encouraged me in these difficult moments. (Diary 23)   1-50

[14]  Sister Mary Joseph, Stephanie Brzoza, born in 1889. She entered the congregation in 1909 and made her perpetual vows on May 15, 1917. She was a group instructor of the girls in the Cracow institute. In 1925 she was sent to the General House of the Congregation in Laval, France, to observe more closely the formation of novices and to absorb the spirit of the Congregation. After her return from Laval, she became directress of the novitiate on June 20, 1926, until October 30, 1934. She was an exemplary directress and a great discerner of souls. She was demanding, but at the same time full of motherly care and benevolence toward each novice. At the General Chapter in 1934, she was chosen to be a member of the General Council and simultaneously, superior of the Generalate in Warsaw. Five years later she died of cancer on November 9, 1939 (A. SMDM-C and D).



>>DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE  .... Diary .... A. Diary .... BM. Diary (part) .  footnotes

>FFC >Youth >MASS >BIBLE >Catechism >Sacrament >Saints >St Peter’s Church


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