Part IV
This prayer service is more effective in small groups than in a
large one. A small candle is required for each pupil. INTRODUCTION Pupil 1: We have been preparing for the Sacrament of
Confirmation for a month now. In this service, let us pray to, and praise,
the Holy Spirit of God. Let us also recall what we have learned. Pupil 2: We will sing our praise in the song
“Spirit of God”. 1 WE PRAY FOR GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT TO COME Pupil 3: At Confirmation the Bishop will lay his
hands on all who will be confirmed. He will ask God to send us the Gifts of
the Holy Spirit. Pupil 4: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so
that we may make wise decisions in life which show that we love You in the
way we serve others. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 5: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so
that we may understand everyone we meet, especially our family members and
friends. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 6: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so
that we may always advise others
according to Your teaching. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 7: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so
that we may have the courage to face
the difficulties of living as Christians in our world, just as the Saints did
in their days. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 8: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so
that your Word which we hear from the Bible may become clear to us, and we
come to know you better. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 9: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so
that we may love You more and more each day and show our love by the way we
care for others. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 10: Father, send Your Holy Spirit to us so that
we may grow in wonder at Your power, and serve You as loving children. Lord, hear us… All: Lord graciously hear us. Pupil 11: Come, Holy Spirit of God’s love, we ask you
to come with all the signs of your presence. All: The gifts of WISDOM,
LORD. Pupil 12: Let us sing the hymn “Come Holy Ghost”. 2 WE ARE ANOINTED TO BRING ALL MEN AND WOMEN TO THE FATHER Pupil 13: At Confirmation the Bishop will trace the
sign of the cross on our foreheads with oil. This is called anointing. Pupil 14: Kings are anointed. Priests are anointed.
Prophets are anointed. It is a sign that they are chosen for a special work. Pupil 15: If we are anointed in Confirmation, does it
mean we have a special work to do? Pupil 16: Yes, the most important work anyone could
be given – to bring everyone we meet to know, love and serve God better
because they have met us, and to work towards making this world of God a
better place. Pupil 17: The example of our lives must make other
people want to follow Jesus as well, just as the lives of the saints make us
see their love for God and their neighbours, Pupil 18: How did Jesus tell us to live? Let us sing
the song “Go Tell Everyone” and think about the words we sings. 3 WE “MAKE UP OUR MINDS” ABOUT FOLLOWING JESUS Pupil 19: When we were baptized, our godparents made promises
for us, because we were too little to make them ourselves. Let bus listen to
the questions which will be asked. There will be a quite moment after each
question for us to think what it means. Pupil 20: (the best reader in class) We shall all make these promises before we
are confirmed. Do you reject Satan and all his works and
empty promised? PAUSE Do you believe in God the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth? PAUSE Do you believe in Jesus Christ His only Son
Our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died and was
buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the
Father? PAUSE Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord
and giver of life, who, on Confirmation day, will be given to you in a special
way, as He was given to the Apostles on the day of Pentecost? PAUSE Do you believe in the Holy catholic Church,
the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
body and the life everlasting? All light their candles now Teacher or Chaplain: I shall ask you the questions again. Answer
each question with the word “I DO.” Teacher or Chaplain
repeats the Renewal of Baptismal promises. After this the children extinguish
their candles. Pupil 21: A reading from the first letter of This is the Word of the
Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Pupil 22: Let us sing our thanks for all the
preparation we have made for the Sacrament of Confirmation. (Any hymn of
thanksgiving might follow.) |