1. Sin offends God our loving Father

(Luke 15:11-24 The Prodigal Son; CCC 1422-1470)


1. When do we sin?

We sin when we do something wrong on purpose.

2. Why does sin offend God?

Sin offends God because when we sin we do not love God.

3. How many kinds of sins are there?

There are two kinds of sins: Original Sin and Personal Sins.

4. What is Original Sin?

Original Sin is the sin of disobedience to God committed by our first parents, Adam and Eve. Since all of us inherit this sinful nature of our first parents, all are born in this state of broken relationship with God.

5. What are Personal Sins?

Personal Sins are the sins we commit knowingly. These can be mortal or venial.

6. What is a mortal sin?

A mortal sin is offending God knowingly and willingly in a serious matter.

7. What is a venial sin?

A venial sin is offending God in a small matter, knowingly and willingly.

8. What does mortal sin do to the soul?

Mortal sin takes away God’s life from the soul until the person asks God for forgiveness.

9. What does venial sin do to the soul?

Venial sins do not take away God’s life, but they make our love for God weaker.


2. Jesus, help me

(Matthew 4:1-11 The Temptation of our Lord in the desert; Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray)


1. When is temptation?

Temptation is an enticement to commit sin or to do something wrong.

2. What must I do when I am tempted?

When I am tempted I must ask Jesus to help me to do what is right even when it is hard.

3. Who helps us to fight temptations?

Jesus helps us to fight temptations.


3. Jesus gives the Apostles the power to forgive sin

(John 20:19-23 The risen Jesus gives the apostles power to forgive sins)


1. To whom has Jesus given the power to forgive sins?

Through the Apostles Jesus has given the priests the power to forgive sins in Confession.

2. What must I do to make a good Confession?

To make a good Confession I must:

1.     Ask God for help to become aware of my sins (see Appendix 1 on Examination of Conscience.)

2.     Ask God for the grace to be really sorry for my sins.

3.     Promise God to do better.

4.     Tell all my sins to the priests.

5.     Do the penance the priest gives me.

6.     Thank God for forgiving me my sins.

3. What is the most important part of Confession?

Sin offends God because when we sin we do

4. How do you make your Confession?

I make my Confession in this way:

1.     I kneel, make the sign of the cross and say: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned. My last Confession was …. Ago.”

2.     I then tell my sins to the priest.

3.     I listen to what the priest tells me and the penance he gives me.

4.     I listen to the priest as he forgives me and reply “Amen”.

5.     I do the penance the priest gives me.

6.     I thank God for forgiving me my sins.




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