1. What is
the Sacrament of Eucharist? The Sacrament of Eucharist is
Jesus’ GIFT of Himself to us at the Last Supper, on the night before He died.
He gave Himslef with the words “This is my Body; This is my Blood” (Matthew 26:26-28). 2. What is
the Holy Communion? Eating the Body and drinking the
Blood of Jesus under the form of Bread and Wine is called Holy Communion. o “The
people are hungry” (Exodus 16 The Manna; Mark 6:34-44; Matthew
14:13-21; Luke 9:10-15; John 6:1-15 Jesus feeds five thousand with five
loaves; CCC 1322-1405) o “God’s
gift of bread gives life” (1 King 19:1-9 as above, John 6:22-60 The
bread from heaven) o “Your
words are words of everlasting Life” (John 6:60-71 Peter confess Christ’s
Divinity. See also Matthew 16:13-19 Peter’s Confession) o “This
is MY BODY… Take and eat!” (Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-26; Luke
22:14-20 The institution of the Eucharist) o “This
is my commandments – ‘Love one another’,” (John 13:31-35 The new Commandment. See the
whole chapter 13 of o “Christ
our Pasch is sacrificed” (Exodus 12:1-14 The manner of preparing, and
eating the Paschal Lamb; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 The new unleavened bread) o “Christ
is Risen, Alive forever! Alleluia!” (Luke 24:13-35 The Emmaus Disciples) o “The
Risen Jesus gives us His Life” (Acts 20:7-12 o “I
must live this life” (Acts 9:1-22 Paul’s conversion and zeal) o “The
Eucharist – the bread that gives Life!” (John 6:51-55 I am the living bread which
came down from heaven) [N.B. The teacher should formulate more questions to be learnt
on the respective themes.] THE HOLY MASS o “Holy
Mass: The Family Meal of the Children of God” (Reference SC 106*: By a tradition handed
down from the Apostles which took its origin from the very day of Christ’s
resurrection, the Church celebrate the paschal mystery every seventh day:
with good reason this, then, bears the name of the Lord’s day or Sunday. For,
on this day Christ’s faithful should come together into one place so that, by
hearing the word of God and taking part in the Eucharist, they may call to
mind the Passion, the Resurrection, and the Glorification of the Lord Jesus,
and may thank God who “has begotten them again, through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead, unto a living hope” (1 Peter 1:3). Hence the
Lord’s day is the original feast day, and it should be proposed to the piety
of the faithful and taught to them so that it may become in fact a day of joy
and freedom from work. Other celebrations, unless they be truly of a great
importance, shall not have precedence over the Sunday which is the foundation
and kernel of the whole liturgical year. (1 Corinthians 11:1-34 The
Eucharistic Supper; CCC 1345-1355)* SC-Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. o “Holy
Mass: A thanksgiving feast” (Luke 17:11-19 The Ten Lepers; Luke 10:21-24
Christ thanks His Father because He has revealed these things to the little
ones; Revelation 19:1-8 The saints glorify God in Heaven; Ephesians 1:3-6 St
Paul invites the Ephesians to thank and praise God for the blessing we have
in Christ Jesus. Ephesians o “No
Father - My life is lost” (Genesis 3:6-19 The fall of our first
parents, and their punishment) o “Jesus
gives me a New Life again” (John 15:1-8, I am the true vine) o “I
prepare to receive Jesus – BREAD OF LIFE” (John 6:1-7 The whole chapter illustrates
how Jesus is the bread of life; Luke
19:1-10 Zaccheus entertains Christ; John 12:1-11 Jesus at Bethany; CCC
1385-87) o “I
welcome Jesus – BREAD OF LIFE” (Luke 10-38-42 Martha and Mary; Matthew
8:5-13 The Centurion) o “The
Eucharist – Jesus living with us always” (John 14:15-31 I will not leave you
desolate; I will come to you; Matthew 28:16-20 His commandments to His
Disciples) o “I
believe” (Matthew 16:13-19 Peter’s confession is
rewarded; John [N.B. The teacher should formulate more questions to be learnt
on the respective themes.] |