This work was composed by an anonymous writer shortly before
Nehemiah's arrival in Jerusalem (445 B.C.). Because of the sharp reproaches he
was leveling against the priests and rulers of the people, the author probably
wished to conceal his identity. To do this he made a proper name out of the
Hebrew expression for "My Messenger" (Malachi), which occurs in Malachi 1:1; 3:1. The
historical value of the prophecy is considerable in that it gives us a picture
of life in the Jewish community returned from Babylon, between the period of
Haggai and the reform measures of Ezra and Nehemiah. It is likely that the
author's trenchant criticism of abuses and religious indifference in the
community prepared the way for these necessary reforms.
The chosen people had made a sorry return for divine love. The priests, who should have been leaders, had dishonored God by their blemished sacrifices. In his first chapter, the writer foresees the time when all nations will offer a pure oblation (Malachi 1:11)-a prophecy whose fulfillment the Church sees in the Sacrifice of the Mass. The author then turns from priests to people, denouncing their marriages with pagans and their callous repudiation of Israelite wives. Imbued with the rationalist and critical spirit of the times, many had wearied God with the question, "Where is the God of justice?" To this question the prophet replies that the day of the Lord is coming. But first the forerunner must come, who will prepare the soil for repentance and true worship. The Gospel writers point to John the Baptizer, as the forerunner ushering in the messianic age, the true day of the Lord. When the ground is prepared God will appear, measuring out rewards and punishments and purifying the nation in the furnace of judgment. He will create a new order in which the ultimate triumph of good is inevitable.
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