Zechariah's initial prophecy is dated to 520 B.C., the same year as
that in which Haggai received the prophetic call. The first eight chapters of
the Book of Zechariah contain oracles which certainly belong to him while the
last six (sometimes called "Deutero-Zechariah") represent the work of
one or more unknown authors. In the prophecies proper to Zechariah eight
symbolic visions are recorded, all meant to promote the work of rebuilding the
temple and to encourage the returned exiles, especially their leaders, Joshua
and Zerubbabel. In the final chapter of this first division Zechariah portrays
the messianic future under the figure of a prosperous land to which the nations
come in pilgrimage, eager to follow the God of Israel.
The second part of Zechariah is divided into two sections, each with its own introductory title. The first (Zec 9-11) consists of oracles whose historical background, date and authorship are extremely difficult to determine. With Zechariah 9:9 begins the messianic vision of the coming of the Prince of Peace. The verses describing the triumphant appearance of the humble king are taken up by the four Evangelists to describe the entry of Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Zec 12 is introduced by an oracle proclaiming the victory of God's people over the heathen. The prophecy closes by describing in apocalyptic imagery, the final assault of the enemy on Jerusalem, after which the messianic age begins.
Table of Contents Haggai: Chapter 2
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Easter Sunday 12
April 2009.