Amos was a shepherd of Tekoa in Judah, who exercised his ministry
during the prosperous reign of Jeroboam II (786-746 B.C.). He prophesied in
Israel at the great cult center of Bethel, from which he was finally expelled
by the priest in charge of this royal sanctuary. The poetry of Amos, who
denounces the hollow prosperity of the northern kingdom, is filled with imagery
and language taken from his own pastoral background. The book is an anthology
of his oracles and was compiled either by the prophet or by some of his
The prophecy begins with a sweeping indictment of Damascus, Philistia, Tyre, and Edom; but the forthright herdsman saves his climactic denunciation for Israel, whose injustice and idolatry are sins against the light granted to her. Israel could indeed expect the day of Yahweh, but it would be a day of darkness and not light. When Amos prophesied the overthrow of the sanctuary, the fall of the royal house, and the captivity of the people, it was more than Israelite officialdom could bear. The priest of Bethel drove Amos from the shrine-but not before hearing a terrible sentence pronounced upon himself.
Amos is a prophet of divine judgment, and the sovereignty of Yahweh in nature and history dominates his thought. But he was no innovator; his conservatism was in keeping with the whole prophetic tradition calling the people back to the high moral and religious demands of Yahweh's revelation. In common with the other prophets, Amos knew that divine punishment is never completely destructive; it is part of the hidden plan of God to bring salvation to men. The perversity of the human will may retard, but it cannot totally frustrate, this design of a loving God. The last oracle opens up a perspective of restoration under a Davidic king.
The Book of Amos may be divided as follows:
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