The Book of Judges derives its title from the twelve heroes of Israel
whose deeds it records. They were not magistrates, but military leaders sent by
God to aid and to relieve his people in time of external danger. They exercised
their activities in the interval of time between the death of Joshua and the
institution of the monarchy in Israel. Six of them-Othniel, Ehud, Barak,
Gideon, Jephthah and Samson-are treated in some detail and have accordingly
been styled the Major Judges. The other six, of whose activities this book
preserves but a summary record, are called the Minor Judges. There were two
other judges, whose judgeships are described in 1 Samuel-Eli and Samuel, who
seem to have ruled the entire nation of Israel just before the institution of
the monarchy. The twelve judges of the present book, however, very probably
exercised their authority, sometimes simultaneously, over one or another tribe
of Israel, never over the entire nation.
The purpose of the book is to show that the fortunes of Israel depended upon the obedience or disobedience of the people to God's law. Whenever they rebelled against him, they were oppressed by pagan nations; when they repented, he raised up judges to deliver them (cf Judges 2:10-23).
The accounts of various events, whether written shortly after their occurrence or orally transmitted, were later skillfully unified according to the moral purpose of the redactor some time during the Israelite monarchy.
The book is divided as follows:
Table of Contents Joshua: Chapter 24
Next Chapter
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