The fifth and last book of the Pentateuch is called Deuteronomy,
meaning "second law." In reality, what it contains is not a new law
but a partial repetition, completion and explanation of the law proclaimed on
Mount Sinai. The historical portions of the book are also a resume of what is
related elsewhere in the Pentateuch. The chief characteristic of this book is
its vigorous oratorical style. In a series of eloquent discourses Moses
presents the theme of covenant renewal in a vital liturgical framework. He
exhorts, corrects and threatens his people, appealing to their past glory,
their historic mission, and the promise of future triumph. His aim is to
enforce among the Israelites the Lord's claim to their obedience, loyalty and
love. The events contained in the Book of Deuteronomy took place in the plains
of Moab (Deut 1:5)
between the end of the wanderings in the desert (Deut 1:3)
and the crossing of the Jordan River (Joshua 4:19),
a period of no more than forty days. The Book of Deuteronomy, written after the
Israelites had for centuries been resident in the Land of Promise, takes the
form of a testament of Moses, the great leader and legislator, to his people on
the eve of his death. At the time of our Lord's coming, it shared with the
Psalms a preeminent religious influence among the Old Testament books. The
Savior quoted passages of Deuteronomy in overcoming the threefold temptation of
Satan in the desert (Mat 4; Deut
6:13, 16; 8:3; 10:20),
and in explaining to the lawyer the first and greatest commandment (Matthew
22:35-39; Deut 6:4).
The book is divided as follows:
Table of Contents Numbers: Chapter 36
Next Chapter
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