2 Thessalonians
letter is addressed to the same church as the letter that precedes it in the
canon and contains many expressions parallel to those in the First Letter to
the Thessalonians, indeed verbatim with them. Yet other aspects of the contents
of the Second Letter to the Thessalonians suggest a more impersonal tone and
changed circumstances in the situation at Thessalonica.
The letter begins with an
address (2
Thes 1:1-2) that expands only slightly on that of 1
Thes 1:1. It ends with a greeting insisting on its Pauline authority in the
face of false claims made in Paul's name (see the note on 2
Thes 2:2). The body of the letter falls into three short parts, of which
the second is notoriously difficult (2 Thes 2).
The opening thanksgiving and
prayer (2
Thes 1:3-12) speak of the Thessalonians' increasing faith and love in the
face of outside persecution. God's eventual judgment against persecutors and
his salvation for the faithful are already evidenced by the very fact of
persecution. The second part (2
Thes 2:1-17), the heart of the letter, deals with a problem threatening the
faith of the community. A message involving a prophetic oracle and apparently a
forged letter, possibly presented at a liturgical gathering (cf 2
Thes 2:2 and 1 Cor
14:26-33), to the effect that the day of the Lord and all that it means
have already come, has upset the life of the Thessalonian church.
The writer counters their
preoccupation with the date of the parousia (or coming again of the Lord Jesus
from heaven, 2
Thes 2:1) by recalling Paul's teaching concerning what must happen first
and by going on to describe what will happen at the Lord's coming (2
Thes 2:8); he indicates the twofold process by which the "activity of
Satan" and God's actions (2
Thes 2:9-11) are working out, namely, a growing division between believers
and those who succumb to false prophecy and "the lie." He concludes
by insisting on Pauline traditions and by praying for divine strength (2
Thes 2:13-17). The closing part of the letter (2
Thes 3:1-16) deals in particular with the apostle's directives and model
style of life and with correction of disorderly elements within the community.
Traditional opinion holds
that this letter was written shortly after 1 Thessalonians. Occasionally it has
been argued that 2 Thessalonians was written first or that the two letters are
addressed to different segments within the church at Thessalonica (2
Thessalonians being directed to the Jewish Christians there) or even that 2
Thessalonians was originally written to some other nearby place where Paul
carried out mission work, such as Philippi or Beroea. Increasingly in recent
times, however, the opinion has been advanced that 2 Thessalonians is a
pseudepigraph, that is, a letter written authoritatively in Paul's name, to
maintain apostolic traditions in a later period, perhaps during the last two
decades of the first century.
In any case, the presumed
audience of Second Thessalonians and certain features of its style and content
require that it be read and studied in a Pauline context, particularly that
provided by 1 Thessalonians. At the same time, and especially if the letter is
regarded as not by Paul himself, its apocalyptic presentation of preconditions
for the parousia (2
Thes 2:1-12) may profit from and require recourse to a wider biblical basis
for interpretation, namely Old Testament books such as Daniel and Isaiah and
especially, in the New Testament, the synoptic apocalyptic discourse (Mark 13;
Matthew 24-25; Luke
21:5-36) and the Book of Revelation.
The principal divisions of
the Second Letter to the Thessalonians are the following:
Thes 1:1-12)
against Deception Concerning the Parousia (2
Thes 2:1-17)
Exhortations (2
Thes 3:1-16)
Greetings (2
Thes 3:17-18)
Table of Contents 1
Thessalonians: Chapter 5
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Sunday 12 April 2009.