in northeastern Greece, was a city of some importance in the Roman province of
Macedonia. Lying on the great road from the Adriatic coast to Byzantium, the
Via Egnatia, and in the midst of rich agricultural plains near the gold
deposits of Mount Pangaeus, it was in Paul's day a Roman town (Acts 16:21), with
a Greek-Macedonian population and a small group of Jews (see Acts 16:13).
Originally founded in the sixth century B.C. as Krenides by the Thracians, the
town was taken over after 360 B.C. by Philip II of Macedon, the father of
Alexander the Great, and was renamed for himself, "Philip's City."
The area became Roman in the second century B.C. On the plains near Philippi in
October 42 B.C., Antony and Octavian decisively defeated the forces of Brutus and
Cassius, the slayers of Julius Caesar. Octavian (Augustus) later made Philippi
a Roman colony and settled many veterans of the Roman armies there.
Paul, according to Acts (Acts 16:9-40),
established at Philippi the first Christian community in Europe. He came to
Philippi, via its harbor town of Neapolis (modern Kavalla), on his second
missionary journey, probably in A.D. 49 or 50, accompanied by Silas and Timothy
(Acts 15:40; 16:3; cf Philippians
1:1) and Luke, if he is to be included in the "we" references of Acts 16:10-17.
The Acts account tells of the conversion of a business woman, Lydia; the
exorcism of a slave girl; and, after an earthquake, while Paul and Silas were
imprisoned in Philippi, the faith and baptism of a jailer and his family. None
of these persons, however, is directly mentioned in Philippians (cf the notes
on Philippians
4:2 and Philippians
4:3). Act 16 concludes its account by describing how Paul (and Silas),
asked by the magistrates to leave Philippi, went on to Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-10),
where several times his loyal Philippians continued to support him with
financial aid (Philippians
4:16). Later, Paul may have passed through Philippi on his way from Ephesus
to Greece (Acts
20:1-2), and he definitely stopped there on his fateful trip to Jerusalem (Acts 20:6).
Paul's letter to the
Christians at Philippi was written while he was in a prison somewhere (Philippians
1:7, 13, 14, 17),
indeed in danger of death (Philippians
1:20-23). Although under guard for preaching Christ, Paul rejoices at the
continuing progress of the gospel (Philippians
1:12-26) and expresses gratitude for the Philippians' renewed concern and
help in an expression of thanks most clearly found at Philippians
4:10-20. Much of the letter is devoted to instruction about unity and
humility within the Christian community at Philippi (Philippians
and exhortations to growth, joy, and peace in their life together (Philippians
4:1-9). The letter seems to be drawing to a close at the end of what we
number as Phi 2, as Paul reports the plans of his helper Timothy and of
Epaphroditus (whom the Philippians had sent to aid Paul) to come to Philippi (Philippians
and even Paul's own expectation that he will go free and come to Philippi (Philippians
1:25-26; 2:24).
Yet quite abruptly at Philippians
3:2, Paul erupts into warnings against false teachers who threaten to
impose on the Philippians the burdens of the Mosaic law, including
circumcision. The section that follows, Philippians
3:2-21, is a vigorous attack on these Judaizers (cf Gal 2:11-3:29) or
Jewish Christian teachers (cf 2 Cor
11:12-23), giving us insights into Paul's own life story (Philippians
3:4-6) and into the doctrine of justification, the Christian life, and
ultimate hope (Philippians
The location of Paul's
imprisonment when he wrote to the Philippians, and thus the date of the letter,
are uncertain. The traditional view has been that it stems from Paul's
confinement in Rome, between A.D. 59 and 63 (cf Acts 28:14-31).
One modern view suggests the period when he was imprisoned at Caesarea, on the
coast of Palestine, A.D. 57 or 58 (Acts 23:23-26:32); another
suggests Corinth (cf 2 Cor
11:9). Much recent scholarship favors Ephesus, around A.D. 55, a situation
referred to in 2 Cor 1, 8 concerning "the affliction that came to us"
in Asia Minor (cf also 1 Cor
15:32). The reference at Philippians
1:13 to the "praetorium" (cf also Philippians
4:22) can be understood to mean the imperial guard or government house at
Ephesus (or Caesarea), or the praetorian camp in Rome. Involved in a decision
are the several journeys back and forth between Philippi and wherever Paul is
imprisoned, mentioned in the letter (Philippians
2:25-28; 4:14);
this factor causes many to prefer Ephesus because of its proximity to Philippi.
The Ephesian hypothesis dates the composition of Philippians to the mid-50s
when most of Paul's major letters were written.
There is also a likelihood,
according to some scholars, that the letter as we have it is a composite from
parts of three letters by Paul to the Philippians. Seemingly Philippians
4:10-20 is a brief note of appreciation for help sent through Epaphroditus.
The long section from Philippians
1:3 to Philippians
3:1 is then another letter, with news of Paul's imprisonment and reports on
Timothy and Epaphroditus (who has fallen ill while with Paul), along with
exhortations to the Philippians about Christian conduct; and Philippians
3:2-21 a third communication warning about threats to Philippian
Christianity. The other verses in Phi 4 and Philippians
1:1-2, are variously assigned by critics to these three underlying letters,
which an editor presumably put together to produce a picture of Paul writing
earnestly from prison (Phi 1-2), facing opponents of the faith (Phi 3), and
with serene joy advising and thanking his Philippians (Phi 4). If all four
chapters were originally a unity, then one must assume that a break occurred
between the writing of Philippians
3:1 and Philippians
3:2, possibly involving the receipt of bad news from Philippi, and that
Paul had some reasons for delaying his words of thanks for the aid brought by
Epaphroditus till the end of his letter.
This beautiful letter is rich
in insights into Paul's theology and his apostolic love and concern for the
gospel and his converts. In Philippians, Paul reveals his human sensitivity and
tenderness, his enthusiasm for Christ as the key to life and death (Philippians
1:21), and his deep feeling for those in Christ who dwell in Philippi. With
them he shares his hopes and convictions, his anxieties and fears, revealing
the total confidence in Christ that constitutes faith (Philippians
3:8-10). The letter incorporates a hymn about the salvation that God has
brought about through Christ (Philippians
2:6-11), applied by Paul to the relations of Christians with one another (Philippians
2:1-5). Philippians has been termed "the letter of joy" (Philippians
4:4, 10).
It is the rejoicing of faith, based on true understanding of Christ's unique
role in the salvation of all who profess his lordship (Philippians
2:11; 3:8-12,
The principal divisions of
the Letter to the Philippians are the following:
of the Gospel (Philippians
for the Community (Philippians
Plans of Paul and His Assistants (Philippians
Righteousness and the Goal in Christ (Philippians
for the Community (Philippians
for the Philippians' Generosity (Philippians
Table of Contents Ephesians:
Chapter 6
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Introduction Ends.
Sunday 12 April 2009.