died, he was raised from the dead and sits enthroned at God’s right hand. He
intercedes for us. So now, can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Affliction
or distress, hunger or cold, persecution or death? We overcome all these
things because he loves us. I am certain of this: no power in the world can
separate us from him. (Rom 8, 34-39)
believe in Jesus Christ and thus you are sons and daughters of God. You have
been baptised and so you belong to the community of Christ. In this community
it no longer matters whether you are Jew or Greek, slave or free, man or
woman, for you are all one in Christ. (Gal 3, 26-28)
happy at all times. Do not cease praying. Be thankful for everything. This is
what God expects of those who profess Jesus Christ. Be open to what the
Spirit tells you. Test all things – retain what is good. Keep away from evil.
(1 Thess 5, 16-22)
love of Christ overwhelms us. For we have learned: One man died for all men
so that those living should live no longer for themselves, but for the one
who died for them and was raised to life. (2 Cor 5, 14-15)
brothers! Rejoice and accept admonishment, do not quarrel with one another
and live in peace! Then the God of love and peace will be with you. The grace
of Jesus Christ, the Lord, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit be with you all.