the day of Pentecost all the disciples of Jesus, both men and women, as well
as Mary, his mother, were gathered together in the same house. They were
waiting for the Helper whom Jesus had promised them. Then suddenly there came
from heaven a roaring sound like a mighty wind. It filled the whole house.
Tongues of fire appeared and descended upon each one of them. They were all
filled with the Holy Spirit. They praised God, and they praised his Son,
Jesus Christ.
people from distant lands had come to Jerusalem for the feast. A large
crowd thronged in front of the house where the disciples were staying. They
were all filled with awe, for each of them heard the disciples of Jesus
speaking in his own language. They were perplexed and asked each other: What
does this mean? Then Peter began to speak. He called out: Listen to me! I
will explain it to you. What the prophet Joel foretold in the name of God is
being fulfilled here and now: At the end of time God pours out his Spirit on
all mankind. Remember Jesus of Nazareth. He came by the will of
God and did the deeds of God. You witnessed this yourselves. God gave his own
Son – you accused him and had him condemned by the Romans. He died on the
cross, but God raised him up from the dead. We are all his witnesses. God has
exalted him. He is the Messiah.
words of Peter went to the hearts of many people. They asked: Brothers, what
are we to do? Peter replied: Change your lives. Be baptised in the name of
Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then he will send you the Holy
Spirit. Many listened to Peter and were baptised. That one day three thousand
people joined the community of Jesus Christ.