supper, Jesus went to a garden on the Mount of Olives. His disciples went
with him. When they arrived there, Jesus said to them: Pray that you may
remain strong in time of temptation. Then he entered the garden alone. He
knelt down and prayed: Father, if you will, you can spare me this suffering
and death. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.
his agony Jesus prayed so intensely that his sweat fell to the earth like
drops of blood. Finally he stood up and returned to his disciples. They were
asleep because fear and worry had made them tired. Jesus said to them: How
can you sleep? Wake up and pray that you remain steadfast during the coming
Jesus was still speaking to his disciples, a group of men made their way into
the garden. They were led by Judas Iscariot. He drew near to Jesus and was
about to kiss him. Jesus asked: Judas, do you want to betray me with this
kiss? When the disciples realised that these men had come to arrest Jesus and
lead him away, they asked: Lord, should we defend you? One of them drew his
sword and cut off the right ear of the High Priest’s servant. But Jesus
restrained them: Stop this! He touched the ear of the injured man and healed
him. Then he said to those who had come to arrest him: You have brought
swords and clubs in order to capture me. Was I not with you in the temple day
after day? Why did you not venture to lay hands on me then? But this is your
hour; this is the reign of darkness.